
02.08.2019  15:44
精品推荐: 错版 粮票

想让一朵花看到您的背影吗,这么想着就把粮票压在了碗底,让粮票离白瓷远点,离土地近点。                            ——毛泽东

Want a flower to see your back? So think about it, press the food ticket at the bottom of the bowl, let the food ticket away from the white porcelain, near the land. —— Mao Zedong


Wrong edition of grain stamps

错版 粮票

Wrong edition of grain stamps



粮票是 20 世纪 50 年代至 80 年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证。中国最 早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等。粮票作为一种实际的有价证券,在中国使用达 40 多年,随着社会的发展,它已退出了历史舞台,成为收藏者的新宠。

那时候,必须凭粮票才能购买粮食。其实凭票供应不是我国最早采用的,苏联在十月命后,当时国内不稳定,内战不断,商品缺乏,就采取商品有计划的分配,发放各种商品票证,苏联最早的票证是 1916 年的鞋票。美国也在二战时期商品紧张时,发放了各种商品 票证,其种类也不少,这其中就含有粮票性质的票证。现在还有一些国家仍然采用凭票供应方式,如朝鲜、越南等一些国家。

Food stamps are a kind of purchase certificate issued by China in the 1950s to 1980s in a specific economic period. The earliest types of tickets in China are grain tickets, edible oil tickets and cloth tickets. As a kind of practical securities, grain tickets have been used in China for more than 40 years. With the development of society, it has withdrawn from the historical stage and become a new favorite of collectors.

At that time, food must be purchased on the basis of food stamps. In fact, the supply of vouchers was not the earliest in our country. After the Soviet Union's death in October, when the country was unstable, civil war continued and commodities were scarce, it adopted a planned distribution of commodities and issued various commodity vouchers. The earliest vouchers of the Soviet Union were shoes in 1916. The United States also issued various kinds of commodity tickets during World War II when commodities were scarce, including food tickets. At present, some countries still use voucher supply, such as North Korea, Vietnam and other countries.

我国的粮票种类数量有“世界之最”之称,全国2500多个市县,还有一些镇、乡都分别发放和使用了各种粮票,进行计划供应,还有一些大企业、厂矿、农场、学校、部队、公社等也印发了各种粮票,种类繁多。粮票是特殊经济条件下的历史产物,票面题材广泛,印制精细,具有时间性、地域性的特点。经年累月的岁月侵蚀,更使这种具有不可复制性的票文物日渐稀少,珍品迭出,长期为海内外收藏爱好者所瞩目。另外,有些发行于解放战争时期的公粮票,是解放战争时期革命军队在人民群众支持下浴血奋战的历史见证,具有重要的纪念意义和收藏价值。1993年,粮票被取消了。1993年,新旧时代交替的痕迹特明显。当年2月,全国两会召开,代表委员们就餐第一次不再需要缴纳粮票。5月10日,北京市政府正式宣布,从这一天起,取消粮票。告别粮票,从1992 年4月1 日就开始了,当时国家同时提高粮食的定购价格和销售价格,基本上实现了购销同价,在此基础上各地陆续开始放开粮价、取消粮票。1955年出现的粮票,终于完成了其历史使命,悄然退出了历史舞台。我国的粮票种类数量有“世界之最”之称,全国2500多个市县,还有一些镇、乡都分别发放和使用了各种粮票,进行计划供应,还有一些大企业、厂矿、农场、学校、部队、公社也印发了各种粮票,种类繁多。粮票是特殊经济条件下的历史产物,票面题材广泛,印制精细,具有时间性、地域性的特点。经年累月的岁月侵蚀,更使这种具有不可复制性的票证文物日渐稀少,珍品迭出,长期为海内外收藏爱好者所瞩目。另外,有些发行于解放战时期的公粮票,是解放战争时期革命军队在人民群众支持下浴血奋战的历史见证,具有重要的纪念意义和收藏价值。1993年,粮票被取消了。1993年,新旧时代交替的痕迹特别明显。当年2月,全国两会召开,代表委员们就餐第一次不再需要缴纳粮票。5月10日,北京市政府正式宣布,从这一天起,取消粮票。告别粮票,从1992 年4月1 日就开始了,当时国家同时提高粮食的定购价格和销售价格,基本上实现了购销同价,在此基础上各地陆续开始放开粮价、取消粮票。1955年出现的粮票,终于完成了其历史使命,悄然出了历史舞台。粮票是特殊经济条件下的历史产物,票面题材广泛,印制精细,具有时间性、地域性的特点。经年累月的岁月侵蚀,更使这种具有不可复制性的票文物日渐稀少,珍品迭出,长期为海内外收藏爱好者所瞩目。另外,有些发行于解放战时期的公粮票,是解放战争时期革命军队在人民群众支持下浴血奋战的历史见证,具有重要的纪念意义和收藏价值。1993年,粮票被取消了。1993年,新旧时代交替的痕迹特明显。当年2月,全国两会召开,代表委员们就餐第一次不再需要缴纳粮票。5月10日,北京市政府正式宣布,从这一天起,取消粮票。告别粮票,从1992 年4月1 日就开了,当时国家同时提高粮食的定购价格和销售价格,基本上实现了购销同价,在此基础上各地陆续开始放开粮价、取消粮票。1955年出现的粮票,终于完成了其历史使命,悄然退出了历史舞台。

The number of grain tickets in China is known as "the most in the world". More than 2500 cities and counties in the country, as well as some towns and townships, have issued and used various kinds of food tickets for planned supply. Some large enterprises, factories, mines, farms, schools, troops and communes have also issued various kinds of food tickets. Food stamps are historical products under special economic conditions. They have a wide range of themes and fine printing. They have the characteristics of time and region. Years of erosion, but also make this kind of irreproducible ticket cultural relics increasingly rare, treasures come out one after another, long-term attention for collectors at home and abroad.In addition, some public grain tickets issued during the War of Liberation are historical witnesses of the revolutionary army's bloody struggle with the support of the people during the War of Liberation, which have important commemorative significance and collection value. In 1993, food stamps were cancelled. In 1993, the alternation of the old and the new era was obvious.In February of that year, the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress were held. For the first time, delegates did not need to pay food stamps for their meals. On May 10, the Beijing Municipal Government officially announced that food stamps would be cancelled from that day on. Goodbye to grain tickets began on April 1, 1992. At that time, the state raised the purchase price and sale price of grain at the same time, and basically realized the same price of purchase and sale. On this basis, all parts of the country began to open grain prices and cancel grain tickets one after another. The food stamps appearing in 1955 finally fulfilled their historical mission and quietly withdrew from the historical stage.The number of food stamps in China is known as "the most in the world". More than 2500 cities and counties in the country, some towns and townships have issued and used various kinds of food stamps for planned supply, and some large enterprises, factories, mines, farms, schools, troops and communes have also issued various kinds of food stamps. Food stamps are historical products under special economic conditions. They have a wide range of themes and fine printing. They have the characteristics of time and region. Years of erosion, but also make this kind of non-replicable ticket cultural relics increasingly scarce, treasures come out one after another, long-term attention for collectors at home and abroad. In addition, some public grain tickets issued during the War of Liberation are historical witnesses of the revolutionary army's bloody struggle with the support of the people during the War of Liberation, which have important commemorative significance and collection value.In 1993, food stamps were cancelled. In 1993, the alternation between the old and the new era was particularly evident. In February of that year, the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress were held. For the first time, delegates did not need to pay food stamps for their meals. On May 10, the Beijing Municipal Government officially announced that food stamps would be cancelled from that day on. Goodbye to grain tickets began on April 1, 1992. At that time, the state raised the purchase price and sale price of grain at the same time, and basically realized the same price of purchase and sale. On this basis, all parts of the country began to open grain prices and cancel grain tickets one after another. Food stamps, which appeared in 1955, finally fulfilled their historical mission and quietly emerged from the historical stage.Food stamps are historical products under special economic conditions. They have a wide range of themes and fine printing. They have the characteristics of time and region. Years of erosion, but also make this kind of irreproducible ticket cultural relics increasingly rare, treasures come out one after another, long-term attention for collectors at home and abroad. In addition, some public grain tickets issued during the War of Liberation are historical witnesses of the revolutionary army's bloody struggle with the support of the people during the War of Liberation, which have important commemorative significance and collection value.In 1993, food stamps were cancelled. In 1993, the alternation of the old and the new era was obvious. In February of that year, the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress were held. For the first time, delegates did not need to pay food stamps for their meals. On May 10, the Beijing Municipal Government officially announced that food stamps would be cancelled from that day on. Farewell to grain tickets began on April 1, 1992. At the same time, the state raised the purchase price and sale price of grain, basically achieving the same price for purchase and sale. On this basis, all parts of the country began to open grain prices and cancel grain tickets one after another.The food stamps appearing in 1955 finally fulfilled their historical mission and quietly withdrew from the historical stage.



This group of national food stamps in 1965 is a wrong version. Article 4 of the 1965 National Statement on the Back of Grain Tickets states that "promissory notes are not allowed to be bought or sold, altered or invalid, and lost or made up". In order to maintain the image of the national ticket, the Ministry of Food issued (67) Food and Agriculture No. 186 on October 13, 1967 "Notice on the Issuance of 1966 New Version of National General Food Tickets", which officially enabled the printing of additional 1966 Food Tickets on the basis of correcting the errors of the 1965 edition.



Planting the stars, planting the symphony of pots, bowls, ladles and pots, which is closer to the bowl's circle and table's square, and next to the sky's circle, where there are hidden in the heart of the stamens, which is more vast than spring.


Mao Zedong

