
02.09.2019  21:59


作品构思精巧严谨,笔墨苍劲凝练,画风清新秀润,气势雄放宏大, 意境深邃隽美。江南风情画作因为清丽典雅、个性秀逸明快而独标一格。

因其喜绘江 南水乡柔美虚灵、清新隽秀的风光,秀润中见苍茫造型奇特,章法与众不同。观察认真细緻,创作态度精益求精,形象刻画细緻精微,笔下形象生动传神,线条严谨劲挺,设色典雅富丽,并极具装饰意味。善于调理把握章法的中、偏、正欹、平奇、虚实、轻重、藏露与布白。使画面空灵,有强烈的空间感。这在长条画幅上表现尤为明显,横斜排列巧妙,气势浩大,敢于突破常规。平中求奇,从而达到静中有动, 虚实相生,生意盎然。此为世间难得的一幅作品。


The work is delicate and rigorous in conception, vigorous and concise in brush and ink, fresh and fresh in style, magnificent in momentum and profound in artistic conception. Jiangnan style paintings are unique because of their elegance, elegance and elegance.


Because it likes to draw the beautiful and meaningful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, it can see the vast and strange shape and the unique rules. Careful observation, creative attitude, meticulous image depiction, vivid and vivid image, rigorous lines, elegant color, rich, and highly decorative. Good at adjusting and grasping the rules of the middle, partial, Zhengyun, Pingqi, virtual and real, light, revealing and white cloth. Make the picture empty and have a strong sense of space. This is particularly evident in the long picture, with skillful horizontal and diagonal arrangement, great momentum and daring to break through the conventions. Seeking novelty in mediocrity, so as to achieve quiet and dynamic, virtual and real, and prosperous business. This is a rare work in the world.


This work is of great collection value

藏品名称:山水画 (唐利华 ) Collection name:

Four Screens of Tang Lihua's Landscape Paintings






This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!


Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.