
23.07.2019  16:36

成都博古轩拍卖有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏  为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.



【规格】直径:38.7mm      重量:26.4g

【规格】直径:38.8mm        重量26.6g

【类别】  杂项

[Name] Sun Yat-sen's Founding Commemorative Coins Group

[Specification] Wrong Edition: Diameter: 38.7 mm Weight: 26.4 g

[Specification] Wrong Edition: Diameter: 38.8 mm Weight 26.5 g

[Category] Miscellaneous





Sun Yat-sen's Commemorative Silver coin, commonly known as Xiaotou, was one of the currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. It was the first national currency to replace the head of the great president with the Royal Dragon Tu, which means the end of the Qing Dynasty's rule and the beginning of a new era of republicanism in China. In addition, the coin face engraved in Chinese and English is intended to inform foreigners that China's new era of openness is coming. In the field of collecting, the gold and silver coin collecting market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, will endow the collection with unique value, and its market will be booming.


Sun Yat-sen's Commemorative Silver coin, commonly known as Xiaotou, was one of the currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. It was the first national currency to replace the head of the great president with the Royal Dragon Tu, which means the end of the Qing Dynasty's rule and the beginning of a new era of republicanism in China. In addition, the coin face engraved in Chinese and English is intended to inform foreigners that China's new era of openness is coming. In the field of collecting, the gold and silver coin collecting market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, will endow the collection with unique value, and its market will be booming.


Gold and silver coins are easier to preserve than other collections. Other collections, whether paper, wood, porcelain or jade, should be carefully cared for and maintained, otherwise they will be easily damaged. Because of its physical characteristics, gold and silver coins are not easy to oxidize and easy to collect and maintain. Experts believe that these characteristics of gold and silver coins are the necessary conditions for them to become excellent varieties of investment collection now and even in the future.


Silver coins are precious in material and have high artistic value. They are made of precious metals or silver alloys. They are exquisite in production, exquisite in design, elegant in writing, rich in content, brilliant in silver, beautiful in appearance, and have certain functions of preservation and appreciation. With the increasing investment in collections, the silver dollar is very popular in the coin market. China's silver dollar is likely to become a "black horse" in the field of collections investment in the future.


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