【名称】 红蜡石
【规格】 长:34cm 宽:16cm
【类别】 杂项
红蜡石是是花岗岩石的低温热液成因的石英脉。大致形成过程如下:石英岩矿物受到地质变动影响,与酸性土壤混合,在酸性土壤环境下长期受河水冲刷或地热火山温度的催化,最终形成了蜡石。其中一部分在山中静眠,另一部分被流水作用搬运到江河中。红蜡石质地坚硬,以红色为主,表皮呈蜡质感的石英族矿物组成的矿物集合体。主要矿物成分为石英,密度高,实质坚硬,色彩丰富。 蜡石按其色彩分类有:红蜡石,黄蜡石,乌腊石,彩蜡石,白蜡石等五大类。红色,是中国永恒经典的主色,其中含氧化铁成分的红蜡石便是吉祥喜庆的代表了。这独具意韵的红蜡石,是各界人士的收藏热点。 俗话说“物以稀为贵”,红蜡石是稀有资源,难免显得珍贵。从中把玩,取其灵气,百看而不厌。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,和人们对奇石的认识的提高,收藏者日益增多,而这种资源却是有限的。其艺术价值和收藏价值得到了越来越多收藏家的肯定。随着收藏市场的兴盛其价值也在日渐升高。
Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction. |
[Name] Red wax stone
[Specification] Length: 34cm Width: 16cm
[Category] Miscellaneous
Red wax is a quartz vein of low temperature hydrothermal origin of granite. The general formation process is as follows: quartzite minerals are affected by geological fluctuations and mixed with acidic soil. Under the acidic soil environment, they are influenced by river erosion or geothermal volcanic temperature for a long time, and finally form waxite. Some of them lie still in the mountains, while others are carried to the rivers by running water. A collection of hard, predominantly red, waxy quartz minerals. The main mineral composition is quartz, high density, solid substance, rich color.
According to its color classification: red wax stone, yellow wax stone, wolaite, color wax stone, white wax stone and other five categories. Red, is the Chinese eternal classic main color, which contains iron oxide components of red wax stone is a symbol of good luck and happiness. This unique red wax stone, is the collection of all walks of life.
As the saying goes, "rare is precious", red wax stone is a rare resource, it is hard to avoid appearing precious. Play from it, take its aura, 100 see and not tired. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, and the improvement of people's understanding of rare stones, the number of collectors is increasing, but this resource is limited. Its artistic value and collection value has been recognized by more and more collectors. With the prosperity of the collection market its value is also rising day by day.