
09.07.2019  22:35




【名称】 民国三年袁大头

【规格】 直径:38.93mm 厚:2.82mm 重:26.6g

【类别】  钱币






民国三年(1914年)二月国民政府财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一币制,规定民国三年袁头像银币一元为本位币。重七钱二分,成色银九铜一,统一流通。由天津造币厂开铸。后南京 、广东 、武昌 、甘肃造币分厂陆续开铸,币值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有签字 、无签字版,边齿为185 、170道直线。纪年有三年 、八年 、九年、十年四种,细微差异颇多,成色参差不齐。原中国钱币博物馆副馆长、中国钱币学会副秘书长姚朔民指出:“民国三年(1914年),北洋3军阀政府正式铸造袁世凯头像银币,因币上铸有袁世凯侧身头像,故民间俗称‘袁大头’。‘袁大头’银币共有四种面值:壹圆、中圆(五角)、贰角、壹角,其中最常见的为壹圆‘袁大头’,所以俗称的‘袁大头’主要指壹圆袁世凯头像银币。‘袁大头’由天津造币厂首先开铸,其后南京、广东、武昌、甘肃等地的造币分厂陆续铸造,由于其银两分量足、信誉好,成为民国时期乃至往后更长时间中国各地大量使用的通行货币。”

民国时期,军阀混战,各地军阀纷纷私铸袁大头,导致存世的袁大头质量良莠不齐。多作为纪念币,铸造量极少,存世量极罕 铸币之上当政者有国泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民间收藏,寓意"家和万事兴"之吉祥之宝,故有很高的收藏市场价值。



Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] In three years Yuan Datou's silver dollar

[Specification] length: 38.93 mm wide: 2.82 mm weight: 26. 6 g

[Category] C oin






In the third year of the republic of China (1914) in February, the ministry of finance of the national government promulgated the "regulations on the national currency of the republic of China", rectifying and unifying the currency system, stipulating that yuan tou was like a silver dollar for one yuan in the third year of the republic of China. Weight seven money two, silver nine copper one, unified circulation. Cast by tianjin mint. Later, sub-coinage factories in nanjing, guangdong, wuchang and gansu opened successively, with denominations of one yuan, half yuan, two jiao and one jiao. With signature, without signature, side teeth for 185, 170 straight lines. Jinian has three years, eight years, nine years, ten years four kinds, a lot of subtle differences, uneven quality. Yao shuomin, former deputy director of the Chinese coin museum and deputy secretary general of the Chinese numismatics society, pointed out: "in the third year of the republic of China (1914), the beiyang3 warlord government officially minted yuan shikai's head silver coin. ' Yuan Datou's silver dollar ' silver coin has four denominations: one yuan, medium yuan (five cents), two jiao, one jiao, among which the most common one yuan 'Yuan Datou's silver dollar', so commonly known as' Yuan Datou's silver dollar 'mainly refers to one yuan shikai head silver coin. 'Yuan Datou's silver dollar' by the tianjin mint first opened casting, then nanjing, guangdong, wuchang, gansu and other places of coinage branch factory in succession casting, because of its silver two components sufficient, good reputation, become the republic of China and even in the future a longer period of time throughout China a large number of common currency.


During the period of the republic of China, warlords fought among themselves, and warlords all over the country cast yuan's big heads privately. Mostly used as commemorative COINS, the minting amount is very few and the quantity of COINS in the world is very rare. Those in power have the vision of prosperity and prosperity of the country and the people and good luck. The folk collection means the auspicious treasure of "prosperity of family and everything", so it has a high market value for collection.


" Yuan Datou's silver dollar " is known as the treasure of silver yuan in currency collection. It is the most widely circulated and influential silver dollar variety among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. Because it is a physical currency, between people's recognition of precious metals, as well as a strong sense of identity to history and culture, so the collection of people in the minority. "Yuan Datou's silver dollar" realisation ability is stronger, this also is one of the factors that collectors are optimistic about, "money" view is optimistic.