
21.07.2019  00:27




【名称】 光绪元宝北洋造长尾龙七钱二分

【规格】 重:26.8g 直径:38.69mm 厚:2.43mm

【类别】  钱币








计有:1户部;2北洋; 3吉林;4奉天; 5清江;6浙江;7江南;8广东; 9山东; 10福建;11湖南;12湖北;13四川; 14江西;15河南; 16江苏; 17安徽; 18云南; 19新疆; 20黑龙江。此枚为北洋造。
钱面:珠圈内满汉文“光绪银元”,上环“北洋造”, 下环“库平七钱二分” “光绪元宝”四个字,字体俊秀。 [光]字最后一笔竖弯勾,做了一个鸟的造型,鸟嘴紧连[光]字一瞥。光绪的[绪]字中间那一瞥,仿佛刀柄,一刀刺进了[绪]字的心脏。[元]字,锤击鸟眼,有吸干大清元气之意。 [宝]字的宝盖上面一点,探出宝盖下方,字体写的柔弱飘逸。

钱背:正中蟠龙图,左右各一六点花星。蟠龙为长须龙,眼神灵异炯炯有神;龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力;龙爪张扬,神武有力;龙身盘踞太阳,尽展皇家威严大气。此蟠龙图 是中国所有龙洋图案银元(包括国外发行的所有银币)中,工艺最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最强烈的品种,镜面平整光滑,纹饰的相惯线,显得非常清晰。




Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] Guangxu yuanbao made long tail dragon seven money two

[Specification] Weight: 26.8g Diameter: 38.69mm Thickness: 2.43mm

[Category] Coin






Guangxu yuan bao was one of the currency circulated during the guangxu period of the qing dynasty. Zhang zhidong, governor of guangdong and guangdong provinces, was the first to introduce a British coinage machine to mint silver and copper COINS, which was followed by other provinces. A total of 19 provinces cast.


Total: 1 account department; 2 the northern; 3 jilin; 4 Mukden; 5 qingjiang; Zhejiang; 7 jiangnan; Guangdong; 9 shandong; 10 in fujian province; Hunan; Hubei province; Sichuan; Jiangxi province; 15 in henan; Jiangsu; Anhui; Yunnan; Xinjiang; Heilongjiang. This one is made in beiyang.


Money noodles: the bead circle is full of Chinese characters "guangxu silver yuan", the upper ring "beiyang", the lower ring "kuping seven COINS two" and "guangxu yuan bao", the font is handsome. At the end of the word "light" a bird was made, with its beak pressed to the word "light" for a glance. Guangxu's glance in the middle of the word, as if the handle, a knife into the heart of the word. [yuan] word, hammer bird eyes, there is a drying of the vitality of the meaning. A little bit above the bao cover, peeking out the lower part of the bao cover.


Money back: flat dragon diagram in the middle, left and right each one six point flower star. At the banquet, the dragon has long beard and bright eyes. Dragon scale carving fine, clouds and fog, the posture of the powerful; Dragon claw publicity, powerful; The dragon sat in the sun, showing its royal majesty. The coiling dragon picture is the most exquisite, the most perfect and the most vivid among all the Chinese dragon silver COINS (including all the silver COINS issued abroad). The mirror is smooth and the patterns are very clear.


In recent years, with the development of China's economy, the Chinese art trading market has become increasingly prosperous with the strengthening of the economic strength of various collectors and collectors, so the guangxu yuanbao has a very large collection value, and the future appreciation space will be very large. Whether each collector is to collect their own play, or as an investment to wait for appreciation, is a very good choice.