成都博古轩拍卖有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。
Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.
【藏品规格】口径: 84.2mm 底径: 37.9mm 高: 40mm 重量: 60g
Daming Chenghua yellow glazed chicken jar cup pair
[Collection Specification] Caliber: 84.2mm Bottom Diameter: 37.9mm High: 40mm Weigh
大明成化斗彩鸡缸杯是中国古代陶瓷艺术的珍品,明清文献多有记载,在明代就价值不菲,万历年间《神宗实录》载 “ 神宗时尚食,御前有成化彩鸡缸杯, 最早载有明代成化斗彩鸡缸杯价值的明代万历《神宗实录》中写道:值钱十万。 ” 另据明代万历沈德符《 野获编 》中称: “ 成窑酒杯,每对至博银百金。 ” 其中十万之值与白银百金相近, “ 值钱十万 ” 应指鸡缸杯的价值等于当时流通用的铜制十万枚 制钱 , “ 十万 ” 是形容多的虚数。
Daming Chenghua colorful chicken bowl cup is a treasure of ancient Chinese ceramic art. There are many records in Ming and Qing dynasties, and it is of great value in the Ming Dynasty. During Wanli years, Shenzong Shilu contained "Shenzong fashionable food, Chenghua colorful chicken Bowl Cup before the emperor. It was first recorded in the Ming Dynasty Wanli"Shenzong Shilu Record"which contains the value of Chenghua colorful chicken bowl cup in the Ming Dynasty. One hundred thousand dollars." According to Shen Defu of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Yehuo Bian said: "Chengyao wine cups, each pair to Boyin Baijin." Among them, the value of 100,000 is similar to that of silver and gold. The value of 100,000 is equal to that of 100,000 copper cups in circulation at that time. The value of 100,000 is an imaginary number.
Recently, Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. solicited a pair of "Daming Chenghua Yellow Glazed Chicken Cup"
此器作侈口 ,浅弧形壁,浅圈足,器表彩绘两组子母鸡图。图中公鸡、母鸡率领小鸡觅食于野地,母鸡低头欲啄虫,小鸡展翅雀跃,即使在细小如斯的画面中,依然令人感受到温馨可爱的情境。又,画中的牡丹、兰草与湖石恰如其分的隔开两组图案,杯内纯白无纹饰,底以青花书 “ 大明成化年制 ” 六字楷款,款识之外并加画双方圈。此足以传达 天伦 和乐的子母鸡图,或因帝王的喜爱而深受文人雅士的青睐,故至晚明无不以为 “ 成窑鸡缸杯,为 酒器 之最 ” 。以及明神宗万历皇帝桌上之成化鸡杯 “ 值钱十万 ” 之说,遂不胫而走。
This instrument is used as a luxury port, shallow arc wall, shallow circle foot, and two groups of hens and sons are painted on the surface of the instrument. In the picture, the cock and hen lead the chicken to forage in the field. The hen bows her head to peck insects and the chicken spreads its wings. Even in the small picture, it still makes people feel the warm and lovely situation. In addition, the peony, orchid grass and lake stones in the painting are properly separated from the two groups of patterns. The cup is pure white without decoration. It is based on the blue and white book "Daming Chenghua Year System" six-character block letters, besides paragraph recognition, it also draws two circles. This is enough to convey the picture of the hens and daughters of Tianlun Hele, or because of the favor of the emperor, they are favored by literati and refined scholars. Therefore, until the late Ming Dynasty, they all thought that "the kiln chicken jar cup is the most important wine vessel". As well as the saying that Chenghua chicken cup on the table of Emperor Wanli of Ming Shenzong was worth 100,000 yuan, it went all the way.
Daming Chenghua annual official kiln yellow glaze dogwash chicken jar cup, skimming the belly circle foot, filling in the yellow glaze with blue and white decoration, strong contrast, have a unique flavor, this is a newly discovered Chenghua dogwash variety. At present, the known Chenghua Dou-cai porcelain is painted on white glaze with blue and white decorations. The diameter and height of this yellow-glazed chicken bowl cup are within the known size range, and the body is light and thin, which is similar to that of the white-glazed chicken bowl cup. White glaze was applied to the inside and bottom of the cup, and a cock with three bushes of grass was painted on the bottom of the cup. The green color on the glaze has become clam treasure light because of the iridization of old age. It is rare that the appearance is intact. It is the best choice for domestic and foreign porcelain collectors to invest and collect.