
19.07.2019  18:15

成都博古轩拍卖有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏  为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.


【名称】  乾隆年制汉白玉碗

【规格】  口径:105.4mm 高度:40.2mm 重量:239.5g

【类别】  玉器

[Name] Qianlong Annual Han Baiyu Bowl

[Specification] Caliber: 105.4mm height: 40.2mm weight: 239.5g

[Category] Jade


Han Baiyu is a kind of precious building material. It is white and flawless. It contains glittering crystals. It is crystal-clear, solid and delicate in texture. It is easy to carve. It is the raw material of precious buildings all the time. It has become the preferred stone carving material for palace and palace courtyard for thousands of years. Hanbaiyu is milky white in color, elegant and pure, but rich in noble spirit. It touches the nerves of the world with its unique charm and is very popular with people.

乾隆孝粉是乾隆年间的一种玉碗,底部刻着篆字,上书 乾隆年制 ,后有有人误念成 乾隆孝粉 ,因名字浅显易解而撒播。 乾隆孝粉 玉碗,碗的内外部有斑纹,其原料十分精巧,用灯火打照,整体十分通透,有玉质光感,一般来说,主要是上等和田白玉,是宫廷御用之物,很少流落民间。 乾隆孝粉 ”( 实际是 乾隆年制 ”) 主要是玉碗,几乎没有其他外型。此碗选用上等白玉制成,材质精美,碗内外暗刻花纹,技能十分复杂,就算在宫廷也是稀有之物。整体造型柔美、清雅,兼具欣赏与实用价值。有极大的观赏性与收藏价值。

Filial piety powder of Qianlong was a kind of jade bowl in the reign of Qianlong. Seal inscriptions were inscribed on the bottom of the bowl. Some people misread it as "filial piety powder of Qianlong" and spread it because its name was simple and easy to understand. "Qianlong Filial Piety Powder" Jade bowl, the inside and outside of the bowl with stripes, its raw materials are very delicate, illuminated by lights, the whole is very transparent, with a sense of jade light, generally speaking, mainly the high-grade Hetian Baiyu, is used by the imperial court, rarely drifted among the people. "Qianlong filial piety powder" (actually "Qianlong annual system") is mainly a jade bowl, almost no other appearance. This bowl is made of fine white jade. Its material is exquisite. It has dark patterns inside and outside the bowl. Its skills are very complicated. Even in the court, it is a rare thing. The overall shape is soft and elegant, with both appreciation and practical value. It has great ornamental and collection value.

乾隆时期的玉器以它精湛的工艺博得世人的喝彩,在雕琢技法上堪称一流。 乾隆玉器 之所以在各大拍场上屡创高价。我国从 2000 多年前就发现了汉白玉这么高洁素雅的原料,利用这种优质原料进行雕刻的艺术创作,已经有 2000 多年的历史了。正因为乾隆时期的玉石文化盛行之分,使得这时期的制造雕刻技术也达到炉火纯青的地步。当前乾隆时期汉白玉堪称汉白玉市场上的一大霸主,相对于其他时代的而言,乾隆时期的汉白玉 天价 频出,可见在收藏家心目中有着不可替代的地位,值得收藏。

Jade wares of Qianlong period won the world's applause for their exquisite craftsmanship, which is the first-class in carving techniques. The reason why Qianlong Jade Ware has repeatedly made high prices in various big shooting fields. Since 2000, China has discovered such a noble and elegant material as Han Baiyu. It has been more than 2000 years since the use of this high-quality material for the artistic creation of sculpture. It is precisely because of the prevailing of jade culture in the Qianlong period that the manufacturing and sculpture technology in this period reached the stage of pure fire. At present, Han Baiyu in the Qianlong period can be regarded as a big hegemony in the market of Han Baiyu. Compared with other times, the "sky price" of Han Baiyu in the Qianlong period is frequent, which shows that it has an irreplaceable position in the minds of collectors and is worth collecting.


This Han Baiyu bowl is as smooth and delicate as jade. This kind of material is very rare in the ceramic market from ancient times to today. The texture of the vessel is very beautiful, the shallow relief technique is clear, the lines seem simple, but the rough has fine primary and secondary distinction, smooth and vivid; the deep and shallow moderate knife method depicts the veins of twisted flowers and leaves vividly, showing a natural and unrestrained, enthusiastic and lively artistic effect, like a scroll of painting. How precious!