
23.07.2019  12:01



陕西嘉辉艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏  为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在私下洽购会上得以高价成交。


【规格】 20cm宽 13cm










画坛巨匠齐白石,幼年家贫好学,初以雕花匠为生。20岁那年,随师外出做活,见到一主顾家有部乾隆年间翻刻的《芥子园画谱》五彩精致版 ,仔细翻阅之后,发现自己能画,多不合章法,故如获至宝,遂借来用勾影雷公像的方法,画了半年之久,勾影了16本之多。从此,他以所画为据来做雕花木活,既能花样出新,画法又合规则,为其后来绘画打下良好基础。据说真到晚年,白石老人还念念不忘此事。他因而40岁后画画出名,跨越了1个世纪,终年95周岁。







      "Painting Biography" was born and was highly appreciated by people. In the thirteenth year of Guangxu, Heyong wrote in his postscript: "After a year of illness, in the face of this spectrum, it is quite pleasant to lie down. "And the title of Lianyun:" All the city under Guoguiyan, Quanshuihu Mountain in the eye. "
The painting spectrum systematically introduces the basic techniques of Chinese painting. It is simple and clear. It is suitable for beginners to use. Therefore, it has been popular in the painting field for more than 300 years. Many famous artists have benefited from this at the beginning. It is not excessive to call it a mentor of enlightenment.
Qi Baishi, a great painter in the painting world, was a poor and eager student in his childhood. At the age of 20, he went out to work with his teacher and saw a colorful and exquisite version of the "Mustard Garden Painting Spectrum" engraved by a patron during the Qianlong period. After carefully reading it, he found that he could paint it, and many of them were not in accordance with the law. Therefore, if he won the treasure, he borrowed the method of using the shadow of Lei Gong. Six months of painting, as many as 16 books. Since then, he has used his paintings as a basis for carving wood, which can be used to create new patterns, draw methods and rules, and lay a good foundation for his later paintings. It is said that in his later years, Bai Shi's old man still remembered this matter. He was famous for painting after he was 40 years old, spanning a century and 95 years old.
Pan Tianshou, a famous national painter, became the first teacher of his painting when he was 14 years old when he went to the county to study. Under no one's guidance, he studied the spectrum and became a master.
The famous landscape artist Luyanshao, who had been painting since childhood, suffered from no teacher. When he was 12 years old, when he was studying at Nanxiang Public School, he received a stone seal of "Mustard Garden Painting". Like getting a beloved treasure, he was eager to copy it. From then on, he took the first step in the painter's career.
Mr Guo Moruo is a well-known writer, historian and poet, but his ability to paint is little known. He especially likes to paint orchids and once painted Lan's friend Mr. Fanling. The reason why he was able to paint was because he often described the "Mustard Garden Painting Spectrum" in the "Lushan Pavilion" at home. Mr Guo Moruo once wrote a poem for his brother Guokaiyun's "Kwai Chrysanthemum Map": "It is not because of proud frost that okra can also be admired. I am not Tao Yuanming, and Anneng appreciates it. When he was young, he could also paint. May the mustard garden be restored. "If Guo Lao could learn to paint, he would become a famous painter.
"Mustard Garden Painting Spectrum" Shi Hui painting altar for more than 300 years, growing generations of famous artists, can be described as unlimited merit. According to Heyong, this book is "enough to be famous and enough to live forever", but it is also true.
