
02.07.2019  08:04

  成都博古轩拍卖有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏   为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.

【名称】  黎元洪无冠侧面像纪念币

【规格】长: 39.4mm 宽: 2.3mm 重: 26.77g

【类别】  杂项


[Name] A commemorative coin with a crowned profile of Li Yuanhong

[Specification] length: 39.4mm wide: 2.3mm weight: 26.77g

[Category] Miscellaneous


黎元洪( 1864 1928 年)字宋卿,汉族,湖北黄陂人。 1883 年考入天津北洋水师学堂。 1888 年入海军服役。 1894 年,参加中日甲午海战。战后投靠署理两江总督张之洞。曾三任民国副总统,袁世凯死后,由副总统继任总统。 1922 年,他在直系军阀支持下复任总统。 1928 6 3 日,黎元洪因为脑溢血在天津去世。此币正面图案中央为黎元洪无冠侧身像,珠圈外上环铸 中华民国 四字,下环为 开国纪念币 五字,珠圈外左右两侧有梅花图案;背面图案中央是竖写 壹圆 面额字样,居于嘉禾二株之中,珠圈外上环为英文 中华民国 字母,下环为英文 壹圆 字母,两侧偏下铸刻五瓣花星。钱币设计美观,铸工精良,传世稀少,殊为珍贵。


1912 年黎元洪像(无帽)中华民国开国纪念币壹圆 成交价 RMB 1,174,750 2012-06-12

1912 年黎元洪像(戴帽)中华民国开国纪念币壹圆 成交价 RMB1,163,250 2014-12-07

1912 年黎元洪像(戴帽)中华民国开国纪念币壹圆 成交价 RMB 1,163,250 2015-12-07

1912 年黎元洪像(无帽)中华民国开国纪念币壹圆银币 成交价 RMB 2,159,800 2016-05-12

黎元洪像中华民国开国纪念币壹圆,铸于湖北武昌造币厂。当时的背景是 1916 6 6 日袁世凯病死,次日,黎元洪按规定正式受任中华民国大总统。 12 9 日汉口银根再次吃紧,湖北商务总会呈请湖北督军王占元设法救济。 12 20 日,武昌造币厂援引 1912 年南京财政部总厂开铸第一期大总统孙中山像开国纪念币的先例,奉命铸造新任大总统黎元洪像 银币。

黎元洪正式就任中华民国大总统后,同年 12 20 日,湖北(武昌)造币厂奉命铸造黎元洪肖像 银币开工。显然 新银币 就是指免冠版,但众多资料都记载免冠版铸于 1912 年,一个合理的解释就是在 1912 年确实铸造过黎像银币,这就可以推论是黎像 银币就是我们目前看见的戴帽版,铸于湖北武昌造币厂。此枚钱币进过 5 次钱庄,钱庄钢印清晰可见,真币无疑!具有较高收藏价值!






  Li Yuanhong (1864 - 1928) is a member of Song Qing, Han nationality and Huangpi people in Hubei Province. He was admitted to Tianjin Beiyang Marine School in 1883. He joined the navy in 1888. In 1894, he participated in the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894. After the war, Zhang Zhidong, acting Governor of Liangjiang, turned to him. Three Vice-Presidents of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai, succeeded by the Vice-President after his death. In 1922, he was reinstated as President with the support of a direct warlord. On June 3, 1928, Li Yuanhong died of cerebral hemorrhage in Tianjin. The front of the coin is a crown-free side image of Li Yuanhong, with four characters of "Republic of China" cast on the outer ring of the bead ring, five characters of "Founding of the People's Republic of China" on the lower ring, and plum blossom patterns on both sides outside the bead ring. On the back of the coin, the face value of "one circle" is written vertically in the middle of the two plants of Jiahe. The upper ring of the bead ring is the letter of "Republic of China" in English and the lower ring is the letter of "one circle" in English. Cast five petals of flower stars on the lower side. Coins are precious because they are beautifully designed, well-crafted and handed down from generation to generation.

Transaction records in recent years (part):

Hong Xiang of Li Yuan (Hatless) in 1912 The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China - turnover RMB - 1,174,750 - 2012-06-12

In 1912, Li Yuanhong (wearing a hat) commemorated the founding of the Republic of China in one yuan - trading price RMB1, 163, 250 - 2014 - 12 - 07

In 1912, Li Yuanhong (wearing a hat) commemorated the founding of the Republic of China in yuan-trading price RMB-1,163,250-2015-12-07

1912 Li Yuanhong (Hatless) The Founding Commemorative Coin of the Republic of China One Yuan Silver Coin - Transaction Price RMB 2,159,800-2016-05-12

Li Yuanhong, like the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China, was minted in Wuchang Mint, Hubei Province. The background was Yuan Shikai's death on June 6, 1916. The next day, Li Yuanhong was officially appointed President of the Republic of China. On December 9, Hankou's money was tight again. The Hubei Business Association asked Wang Zhanyuan, the governor of Hubei Province, to seek relief. On December 20, the Wuchang Mint, citing the precedent of founding the first commemorative coin of Sun Yat-sen's image of the founding nation by the General Factory of Nanjing Ministry of Finance in 1912, was ordered to forge the "new" silver coin of the new President Li Yuanhong's image.

After Li Yuanhong formally took office as President of the Republic of China, on December 20 of the same year, the Hubei (Wuchang) Mint was ordered to create a "new" silver coin for Li Yuanhong's portrait. Obviously, the "new silver coin" refers to the crown-free version, but many documents have recorded that the crown-free version was cast in 1912. A reasonable explanation is that the "old" silver coin of the Li image was cast in Wuchang Mint, Hubei Province.This coin has been in the banking house five times. The steel stamp of the banking house is clearly visible. There is no doubt about the real coin. It has high collection value!