藏品规格:高43ccm 口径12.5cm 底 12.5cm
The outside is pastel, hollow pattern. The molding process is very complicated, which needs to be glazed many times and fired in the kiln many times. It is very difficult to be fired successfully. Guangxu is rich in pastels and exquisite in craftsmanship.
The decoration integrates the techniques of pastel, black glaze and hollowing in one device. It has a unique craftsmanship and a high technical content. It shows the level of porcelain making technology of folk kilns in Guangxu period in many aspects. The main reason is that the porcelain in this plate not only has a relatively large amount of life and circulation, but also has a more sophisticated manufacturing process, which has been the focus of the buyers in this plate.
粉彩瓷器自元代创烧以来,到明清时期有了长足的发展,是明清时期重要的彩瓷品种。粉彩具有明朗特色,独树一帜,迄今仍是景德镇 制瓷的精华。名为“古彩”,永放光辉。 此藏品为 粉彩四方瓶,整体品相完好,撇口,弧壁,圈足,造型小巧,纹饰精细,绘有五彩缤纷的人物图案。
Since the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, pastel porcelain has made great progress in Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is an important kind of pastel porcelain in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Pastel is a distinctive and unique feature, and is still the essence of Jingdezhen porcelain become an independent school. It's called "ancient color". It's always shining. This collection is made of pastel four-way bottles. The overall product is in good condition. It's mouth skimming, arc wall, circle foot, small in shape, fine in decoration and painted with colorful figures.
Through ingenious collocation and elaborate painting, the effect of delicate and gorgeous color porcelain is achieved, thus achieving an unprecedented artistic height. The reason for its unique title is that, apart from the fine research of color materials, it is more brilliant than its unique painting method and unique style, which are hard to be matched by later generations.
此粉彩人物故事四方瓶,四面描绘的人物故事,此瓶的人物形象以及环境的描绘十分到位,图中的人物神情动态,典雅的画风,惟妙惟肖,出神入化,其人物画,勾线用笔老辣,顿挫有力,衣纹虬结生姿,刚中有柔,整而不乱,介乎于中国传统减笔描与枯柴描之间,衣衫的表现以中锋用笔,整体人物故事情节丰满,人物造型栩栩如生 ,人物神情更是表达的淋漓尽致,颜色用料间处处彰显工匠的独具一格的绘画风格。更难能可贵的四面都做有人物风格,仿佛每一面都在讲述一个故事,人物故事瓶是所有赏瓶中难度最高,工艺最难的赏器,此人物故事瓶整体故事讲述完整极具收藏价值。
The four bottles of this pastel character story, the character story depicted on all sides, the character image and environment of this bottle are in place. The figure expression in the picture is dynamic, elegant, lifelike and fascinating. The figure painting, with the line drawing, is old and spicy, powerful, and the clothing pattern is Qiu Jiesheng, soft in the rigid, neat and not disorderly, between the traditional Chinese brush cutting and dry wood painting The performance of the clothes is with the pen of the center, with Huang Shen's free and unrestrained brushwork. The lines are simple and smooth, precise and concise, strong and powerful. Meanwhile, it is with calligraphy as the corresponding, showing its calm atmosphere. Especially the pen of the center, with broad and loose lines, is more powerful and more general than Huang Shen's lines, and can form its own style on the basis of Huang Shen, so as to achieve loose and compact brushwork, and skillful lines Yan, however, has a cadence. Great collection vale此粉彩人物故事四方瓶,从清代流传至今经历一百多年至今保存完好实属难能可贵,整体器型端庄大气、高雅。藏品传承有序,实属难得一见的赏瓶中的重器,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。
The four square bottle of the story of the pastel characters, which has been handed down for more than 100 years since the Qing Dynasty, is extremely valuable. The overall shape of the bottle is elegant and dignified. The collection inherits orderly, which is a rare treasure in the appreciation bottle, and has high artistic value and collection value.