
22.06.2019  16:52

  Recommendation of Taiwanese Auction Excellent Products in 2019: LG Signature Edition of Yuan Datou in Three Years

  广东省锦恒博物馆推出【藏·荐】栏,为藏品强大的传播效应,向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术臻品, 为藏品牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交!


The Jinheng Museum of Guangdong Province launched the “Tibetan·Recommended” column, which is a powerful communication effect for the collection. It recommends to the buyers the art products selected by the national first-class appraisal experts, and draws bridges for the collections, so that the value of thousands of art treasures is discovered. With the attention, the auction can be sold at a high price!



【尺寸】直徑3.91厘米  厚度2.5厘米重量26.6克




LG Signature Edition Three Years Yuan Datou

[Size] 3.91 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm in thickness and 26.6 g in weight

[Specification] 1 piece

[Category] Coins

袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,"袁大头"是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫"袁世凯像背嘉禾银币"。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:"以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆","一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一","一圆银币用数无限制",即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称"袁头币"或"袁大头"。

Yuan Datou was one of the main currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. Yuan Datou was a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's coins. Strictly speaking, it was called "Yuan Shikai's image carries Jiahe silver coin". In order to rectify the monetary system and draw a silver coin, the Beiyang government promulgated 13 Regulations on National Currency in February, 1914, and decided to implement the silver standard system. The National Monetary Regulations stipulate that "the unit of price is six cents and four cents and eight cents of pure silver in Kuping, which is designated as the round", "one silver coin, which weighs seven cents and two cents, silver 89, copper 11", and "the number of one silver coin is unlimited". That is to say, one silver coin is the standard currency Indemnified indefinitely. According to this provision, in December 1914 and February 1915, a silver coin was minted successively by the General Mint and the Jiangnan Mint. The face of the coin was engraved with the head of Yuan Shikai, commonly known as "Yuan tou coin" or "Yuan Datou".


Yuan Datou played a very important role in China's modern monetary reform. It was the silver dollar that spread widely and influenced in China. The emergence of Yuan Datou promoted the unification of the silver dollar and laid a foreshadowing for the future abolition of the two yuan reforms. In 1914, the Regulations of the Republic of China on Currencies were enacted, and a large number of old coins were purchased. Yuan Shikai's head silver coins were made in Tianjin Mint General Factory and Wuchang, Guangzhou, Nanjing and other factories according to specifications and weights. They were used throughout the country and gradually replaced the Qing Dynasty's "silver coins of the Great Qing Dynasty" and "Guangxu Yuanbao" coins. This is the history of our country. "Yuan Datou" with circulation, wide circulation and large stock. The auction price of the signature version of Yuan Datou rose rapidly, and the market price was even higher. In the three, nine and ten years of the Republic of China, the price of Yuan Datou in the collection and investment market has been relatively stable for a long time because of its large stock and circulation in the market. In the ten years before 2004, the price of one Yuan Datou was only 670,000 yuan; it began to climb in 2006, and in 2009 it rose to about 1.260 million yuan, and in early 2010 it rose. By 1.45 million. At that time, Tibetans thought it was a high price and could not rise any more. Unexpectedly, this year, "Yuan Datou" soared to nearly 2.8 million pieces. It is reported that at present, in the collection market, "Yuan Datou" has been a popular and influential variety of silver coins in China's nearly 1,000 kinds of Modern Silver coins. It is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. It is a very rare hot market.


下面(背面)为嘉禾之图案, 古称生长奇异的禾,古人以之为吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生长茁壮的禾稻。典出《书·微子之命》:" 唐叔 得禾,异亩同颖,献诸天子。铸在钱币之上寓意国家重视农桑、以民生为本;其另一思想取其家和之谐音,寓意"家和万事兴"之意;


The top (front) of Yuan Datou's common coin is a five-part image on the left of Yuan Shikai. It has a high historical and cultural research value and implies the ideological hope of "democracy, republicanism, constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy" by casting the Chinese traditional style of "X-year of the Republic of China" or "X-year of the Republic of China".

Below (on the back) is the pattern of Jiahe, which was called the growth of strange grass in ancient times. The ancients regarded it as a sign of auspiciousness. It also refers to the growing and thriving rice. The book "The Order of Books and Micronuts" reads: "Tang Shu Dehe, different mu with the same genius, dedicated to the Son of Heaven. Found on the coin implies that the country attaches importance to agriculture and mulberry, people's livelihood as the foundation; another idea takes its home and harmony, implies the meaning of "family and everything is prosperous";

On top of coinage, politicians have the vision of national peace, good luck and good luck. Folk collection implies the auspicious treasure of "home and prosperity of everything", so it has high collection and research value.


First of all, we need to know that there are many kinds of Yuan Datou silver dollar. According to incomplete statistics, there are about hundreds of kinds. According to face value, Yuan Datou silver dollar can be divided into one yuan, five corners, two corners and one corners. Face value is different, regardless of weight, size or fineness. According to year, it can be divided into four types: three years of the Republic of China, eight years of the Republic of China, nine years of the Republic of China and ten years of the Republic of China. What is worth noting here is that only three years of the Republic of China did not have the word "made". So many versions also led to the collection of Yuan Datou Yinyuan, which is one of the reasons why people like collecting. The most valuable one is the "signature version" trial coin in the three years of the Republic of China. It has the words "L. GIORGT" or "L. G", which is the abbreviation of the name of the Italian molder. As the name implies, the "signature version" coin is only the initial experimental currency, which is small in quantity and has not been circulated on the market. The so-called "rare is precious", so its value can be imagined.


This "L.G" Signature Edition Yuan Datou, with uniform lines, smooth and natural strokes, strong layers, good visual effect, beautiful and elegant Qian Wen, and obvious relief feeling, shows that the craftsman's sculpture technology is superb. The collection is refined from the best precious metal silver, with brilliant silver, exquisite patterns, beautiful appearance and good texture. The overall design of the whole coin is simple but noble, concise but unique, generous and exquisite. Its foundry is exquisite and its appearance is perfect. It has great collection value.


古为今用 , 古今共赏

集古今雅赏 , 供八方玩家 


揽天下百世精品 , 阅世间众生万象


此藏品将 于近期在 台湾参加竞拍!!!

This collection will be bidding in Taiwan in the near future!!!

官方鉴定互动微信号:  18819134656  学习交流交易古玩古董,弘扬中国传统文化

咨询热线:彭经理  18819134656(电话微信同号)


Official Identification Interactive Micro-signal: 18819134656 Learn to Exchange Antiques and Promote Chinese Traditional Culture

Consultation hotline: Manager Peng 18819134 656 (same number as Wechat)






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1. The buyer can directly contact the customer service of this platform.

2. Anyone who chooses to purchase the collection on this platform, and then release the information for free, will help you to release the information for free.



Ⅰ、环球财经网  Ⅱ、新浪网   Ⅲ、凤凰网   Ⅳ、网易

Ⅴ、雅昌网   Ⅵ、中国头条   Ⅶ、今日头条  

Ⅷ、微信公众平台   Ⅸ、搜狐网等至少80家媒体宣传


Promotion media

I, Global Finance Network II, Sina Network III, Phoenix Network IV, NetEase

V, Yachang Net VI, China Headlines VII, Today's headlines

VIII, WeChat public platform IX, Sohu.com and other at least 80 media promotion




[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民国名瓷、现代毛瓷及大师精品瓷器,紫砂壶。


[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、现代玉、翡翠、田黄、鸡血石。


[字画] 历代名人名家书画、现当代书画、各派系名家字画。


[杂项] 古籍善本、金银铜器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。


[家具] 明清各种材质的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黄花梨及金丝楠木等名贵材料为主。


Collection range:

[Ceramic] Gaogu Porcelain, Yuan Mingqing Porcelain, Republic of China, Modern Porcelain and Master Fine Porcelain, Zisha Pot.


[Jade] Ancient jade, Ming and Qing jade, modern jade, jade, Tianhuang, bloodstone.


[Words and Calligraphy] Famous celebrity paintings and calligraphy, modern and contemporary paintings, and various factions and calligraphy.


[Miscellaneous] Ancient books, gold and silver bronzes, stone carvings, stationery, Buddha statues.


[Furniture] The hardwood furniture of various materials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties is mainly composed of precious materials such as red sandalwood, Hainan huanghuali and golden nanmu.