
28.06.2019  06:44








Number: DLSX-00020

Length: 9.6cm

Weight: 12g


Among the ornaments commonly used by the ancients, hairpin is the most common type. Hair hairpins are mainly used to fix hair, because in ancient times, women used to have long hair, and if the hair is coiled up, hairpins need to be used, inserting hairpins will play a role in fixing the hairstyle.

“簪”的 为一头是尖的,而另一头通常会挂有装饰物,由簪首与簪柄两部分组合而成的。最初用于做“簪子”的材质主要为动物骨头、金银、竹子等等,少见有玉石。玉簪盛行于西周早期,在当时是数量最多,且品种最为齐全的一种重要饰品。

One end of the hairpin is pointed, while the other end is usually hung with decorations, which are composed of two parts, the hairpin head and the hairpin handle. Originally used to make "hairpin" material mainly for animal bones, gold, silver, bamboo and so on, rare jade. Jade hairpin prevailed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, which was an important ornament with the largest number and the most complete variety at that time.


This jade hairpin is white and moist in texture, delicate and clear. It has slender shape, beautiful radian, ripe pulping and simple and generous shape. Hammer, a long needle used by the ancients to insert buns or crowns in the hair, later specifically refers to women's bun insertion jewelry. It is often the preferred gift for a man to give a woman, and a woman often gives it to her lover as a token of love. Many sad love stories happen because of a hairpin. Nowadays, the popular hairpins almost completely replicate the shape and materials of ancient hairpins. The precious materials such as gold and silver are still women's favorites.



