
12.07.2019  23:32

小五帝钱泛指清代顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆等清朝五位帝王在位期间所铸造的五枚古钱。(而至于乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、光绪这五位帝王在位期间所铸造的古钱,由于嘉庆时期由盛转衰、道光时期爆发鸦片战争,咸丰时期发生太平天国起义和英法联军侵华,光绪时期八国联军侵华,整体国运不彰,帝力不济,风水不通。)  [1]  The small five emperors' money refers to the five ancient coins cast during the Qing Dynasty, such as Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong and Jiaqing. (As for the ancient money cast by the five emperors of Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Guangxu, due to the rising and falling in Jiaqing period, the Opium War broke out during Dao-guang Period, the Taiping Kingdom Uprising in Xianfeng Period and invasion of the British and French forces, during Guangxu period, the eight countries and the whole state transportation was not praised, and the Emperor was not enough, and the wind and water was not connected. )[1]x.


鉴于五帝钱为历史巅峰朝代时期的盛世帝王所铸,加上古钱本身的铸造就包涵了天、地、神合一,便拥有了厚重的文化属性、非凡的文物价值、祈福护佑功能。Chinese ancient money has a strong cultural attribute. Since the Qin Shihuang unified currency system, Chinese coins have formed the customization of "inner side of the outer circle" and "the unity of heaven and man", which is like heaven and earth. This contains the view of the universe and philosophy in ancient China, which is the concrete embodiment of the ancient theory of yin and yang gossip and the theory of five elements.


In view of the fact that the five emperors were cast by the emperors at the peak of history, coupled with the casting of the ancient money itself, which included the unity of heaven, earth and God, it had a heavy cultural attribute, extraordinary cultural relics value, and the function of blessing and protection.



直径: 顺治通宝26.09mm    雍正通宝25.87mm 乾隆通宝 26.01mm康熙通宝 25.69mm  嘉庆通宝26.24mm

重量:顺治通宝6.27g 雍正通宝4.90g  乾隆通宝5.72g  康熙通宝5.52g  嘉庆通宝5.31g


五帝钱是中华民族中最兴盛的五个帝王所铸钱币,五帝钱更多汇聚了天、地、人之气加上百家流通之财气,故能镇宅、化煞,并兼具旺财功能,还能强化主人自信,化解六神无主之缺陷。五帝钱具有五位帝王的五行。作为民俗法器,五帝钱兼具天地阴阳五行之精华,威力无穷。清五帝钱五位帝王中顺治属水、康熙属木、雍正属土、乾隆属金、嘉庆属火。The five emperors of the Qing Dynasty opened up the situation of the century-old prosperity of the Qing Dynasty. The majesty and momentum of emperors spread far away at home and abroad, showing the strength of their imperial and national momentum. As the ancient money they cast, it was the only thing left to future generations with the spirit of Diwei, which was precious and rare. Fang Kongqian converged the aura of the Chinese earth, the aura of the Chinese nation, the aura of the true son, and the aura of a hundred families.


The money of the five emperors is the coins cast by the five most prosperous emperors of the Chinese nation. The money of the five emperors has gathered more money from heaven, earth and people, together with the wealth of a hundred families of circulation, so it can town the house, transform the evil spirit, and have the function of prospering wealth, and can also strengthen the confidence of the master and resolve the defects of the six gods without ownership. The five emperors have five elements of five emperors. As a folk custom instrument, the five emperors' money has the essence of heaven and earth, yin and yang, and its power is endless. Among the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Shunzhi belongs to water, Kangxi belongs to wood, Yongzheng belongs to soil, Qianlong belongs to gold, and Jiaqing belongs to fire.


