
19.07.2019  18:15


Recommended glass meteorites for autumn 2019 auction in Toronto, Canada

重庆道源阁艺术品拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏  为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Chongqing road source pavilion art auction co., LTD. [zang.recommend] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to all buyers recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and valued, in the auction to clink a deal at a high price.

【名称】  玻璃陨石

【类别】  杂项


【name】Glass meteorite

【category】 miscellaneous

【specification】 Weighs 140.4 grams


玻璃陨石顾名思义就是外表和玻璃差不多的陨石。玻璃陨石是石陨石中的一种,系于石英质的陨石,它在进入大气层后熔融,冲击地面后又快速冷凝重铸。玻璃陨石的颜色有黑、墨绿、棕褐,其表层一般有拉长状气泡及大小不等的圆形气泡,有的如同月亮表面的环形坑洼的山状图案。在中国古代曾称它为“雷公墨”。在1000多年前,中国的唐朝作家刘恂所著的《岭表录异》一书中就有一篇关于玻璃陨石的记载:“雷州骤雨后,人于野中得石如黳石,谓之雷公墨。和之铮然,光莹可爱。”在1844年,生物学家达尔文先生在澳大利亚获得一块钮扣状玻璃质石块,有关科研机构认为是黑曜岩(达尔文玻璃),此后在世界范围内发现这种类似玻璃质石块,通称为“玻璃陨石”。玻璃陨石质地较坚韧,可雕刻成手饰、胸饰,在珠宝市场上价格十分昂贵。玻璃陨石(tektite) 一种含硅量很高的天然玻璃物质(SiO2的平均含量约75%)。大多数玻璃陨石的形状与熔融溅射物的形状相似,有球状、细长状、哑铃状、液滴状、钮扣状和不规则的块状等。它成群地撒落在大陆上或海底沉积物中。大陆上的玻璃陨石从十多厘米到数毫米,破裂后具贝壳状断口,反射光下看起来发暗,但薄的边缘或薄片透亮,并具有不同的颜色,从黄色到绿色,从橄榄褐色到几乎不透明的暗褐色。玻璃陨石内常有气泡空腔,大小由几微米至几毫米,个别可达几厘米;有的还含有焦石英、柯石英、斜锆石和陨石中常见的铁镍金属。
玻璃陨石的数量并不是非常稀少,但是因种类的不同而收藏价值不同。普通的玻璃陨石很多也非常便宜,但是能够找到年龄久远、外观规则、成分优质的玻璃陨石,却非常之难,相对来说价值也极高。因此,收藏界都以拥有质量上乘的玻璃陨石为荣。“玻璃陨石”极为珍贵,价格一路上涨,成为如今在古玩收藏市场里,最昂贵的石头,钻石也难以媲美,珍品玻璃陨石,一克就已经超越850美元(约5300元RMB)。玻璃陨石可以保持数以十亿计年份基本保持不变。科研人员可以通过研究这些陨石对早期宇宙了解更多,科研价值极高,一些发达国家必争之物,形成如今玻璃陨石疯涨局势,真正的一石千金。文中此玻璃陨石,这颗玻璃陨石整体呈现墨黑色,不规则形状,表层具拉长状气泡及大小不等的圆形气泡,有的似如月球表面的环形山状图案,熔壳在阳光下闪耀着耀眼光芒,非常珍贵。灼烧痕迹明显,气印密集漂亮,是陨石降落过程融化的液质冷却后产物,被称为天外贵客,具有很高科研、观赏和考古价值。   如今,国际国内陨石投资领域可谓一片火爆,包括黄金、钻石等稀有物质在内,其价值远远不能与陨石相比,陨石的保值增值特性也使其成为当下人们投资的一个重要选择。不过,目前国内对于陨石价值的认识依然停留在70年代中期,并且30多年来都没有发生太大的变化。由于陨石的价值被严重低估,所以目前也正是投资陨石的最好时机。一旦投资者剧增,供求关系改变,陨石的价格会迅速暴涨。   最近十年,随着陨石知识的日益普及,想收藏的不断增多,奇货可居,国内叫价有时甚至远高于国际价格。世界上众多的博物馆和研究机构也对陨石充满了极大的兴趣,一直致力于对其所处星体和时代的研究,进一步促进了陨石经济价值的提升。这颗玻璃陨石极为稀有,价值十分可观,非常适合投资和收藏。



【 introduction 】

Glass meteorites are meteorites that look like glass. Glass meteorites are a type of stone meteorites, linked to quartzite meteorites, which are molten after entering the atmosphere, hit the ground and then quickly cold recast. The color of the glass meteorite has black, dark green, brown, its surface layer generally has elongate shape bubble and size of the round bubble, some like the moon surface of the ring crater mountain pattern. It was called "lei gong mo" in ancient China. In more than 1000 years ago, the Chinese tang dynasty writer liu pye's book ridge tables record the vision of an article about glass meteorite records: "after leizhou torrential rain, the person in the field such as 黳 stone, of tripterygium wilfordii ink. He is quiet and lovely." In 1844, Mr. Darwin, a biologist, acquired a button-shaped glass block in Australia, which was considered obsidian (Darwin's glass) by scientific research institutions. Later, such similar glass blocks were found around the world, commonly known as "glass meteorites". The quality of a material of glass meteorite is more tenacious, can be carved into the hand act the role ofing, chest act the role ofing, the price is very expensive on jeweller market. A natural glass substance having a high content of silicon (about 75% SiO2 on average). Most glass meteorites have shapes similar to those of molten sputtering objects, including spherical, elongated, dumbbell-shaped, droplet shaped, button shaped and irregular lumps. It falls in groups on continents or in sediments on the ocean floor. The glass meteorites on the continent range from more than 10 cm to several mm, broken with shell-like fractures, which appear dark under reflected light, but have thin edges or thin sheets that are transparent, and have different colors, from yellow to green, from olive brown to an almost opaque dark brown. Glass meteorites often have air bubble cavity, size from a few microns to a few millimeters, individual can reach several centimeters; Some also contain coke quartz, coesite, zircon and iron and nickel, a metal commonly found in meteorites.


Now scientific research has proved that the glass meteorite is a kind of stone meteorite during the fall of molten liquid after cooling products. The glass meteorite's mother stone is light green and black two kinds, therefore, the glass meteorite's landing is carried on together with the mother stone. The glass meteorites are translucent vitreous bodies with weak magnetism, and the color is dark green, green, light green, brown, brown, dark brown, and rare cinnabar color. The glass meteorite is formed in high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: the internal high purity without impurities, the whole body is full of dense small bubbles, the external shell, shell on the flow pattern, outside and under the shell sometimes produce large air marks. Because the glass meteorites are liquid bodies in the process of falling, they will be decomposed into smaller mass bodies at high speed, so objectively there is no glass meteorites with great mass, but it may be a larger mass body when falling with the mother stone.


The number of glass meteorites is not very rare, but the value varies from species to species. Many ordinary glass meteorites are also very cheap, but it is very difficult to find glass meteorites with long age, regular appearance and high quality composition, and their value is relatively high. As a result, the collection community is proud to have quality glass meteorites. "Glass meteorite" is extremely precious, the price rises all the way, become nowadays in antique collection market, the most expensive stone, diamond also is difficult to match, curiosityglass meteorite, one gram already exceeded 850 dollars (about 5300 yuan RMB). Glass meteorites can stay essentially the same for billions of years. Researchers can study these meteorites to understand more about the early universe, scientific research value is very high, some developed countries must contend for things, the formation of today's soaring glass meteorites situation, a real stone. In this paper, the glass meteorite, the overall appearance of the glass meteorite ink-black, irregular shape, surface with elongated bubbles and size of the round bubbles, some like the moon's surface crater-like patterns, molten shell in the sun shining dazzling light, very precious. The burn marks are obvious, the air marks are dense and beautiful, it is the product of the liquid and quality cooling of the meteorite falling, and it is called the noble guest outside the sky, which has high scientific research, ornamental and archaeological value. Today, the field of meteorite investment is a hot, including gold, diamonds and other rare materials, its value is far from compared with meteorite, meteorite value preservation and appreciation characteristics also make it become an important choice of current investment. However, at present, the value of meteorites in China is still in the mid-1970s, and has not changed much in more than 30 years. Because meteorites are so undervalued, this is a good time to invest. As soon as investors soar and supply and demand change, meteorite prices soar. In the last ten years, with the increasing popularity of meteorite knowledge, want to collect more and more, rare goods can live, the domestic price sometimes even far higher than the international price. Many museums and research institutions around the world are also full of great interest in meteorites, and have been dedicated to the study of their stars and times, further promoting the promotion of meteorites' economic value. This glass meteorite is extremely rare and valuable, making it suitable for investment and collection.