Paleontological fossils, a term used in geology, refer to the biological remains and active relics formed and deposited in the stratum during the prehistoric geological period of mankind, including fossils of plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and their remains.
Paleontological fossils are different from cultural relics. They are important geological relics and valuable and non-renewable natural heritage in China. China is one of the countries where paleontological fossils are relatively developed, almost all over the country. Especially in recent years, Nanyang, Yunyang, Inner Mongolia, Erlian dinosaur eggs and skeleton fossils, bird fossils in Western Liaoning, Chengjiang fauna fossils in Yunnan, Shanwang fauna and plants in Shandong and other rare paleontological fossils have been found successively, which are widely favored by the international community, especially the scientific community.
At present, there are thousands of egg fossils in the world, and even fewer egg fossils in poultry. Among these almost untraceable fossils, 90% of the exteriors are in a single form. Poultry egg fossils are rare paleontological relics in the world and rare fossil treasures in the National Heritage Museum. They have great value in cultural relics collection and historical archaeology. It can be said that fowl egg fossils are priceless treasures. They are the evidence of 160 million years of existence on the earth. Their formation conditions are very difficult. After the changes of times and the operation of the bottom shell, the fowl egg fossils can still be well preserved, which are of great value.
The egg fossil in the picture below is an oval-shaped reddish-brown stone. It is surrounded by a layer of loess. It is dark reddish-brown, brittle and siltstone. It has a very natural shape, just like the earth's surface. It is very ornamental and very research-oriented.
随着收藏市场的活跃,这些化石不仅仅是科学研究领域的实物证据,很多具有极高的美学欣赏价值和收藏价值的化石,已成为一种收藏资源,出现了化石收藏热。化石在整个收藏界的成交也是有一个新的突破,有着一个新的高度。 2002年在英国伦敦一场拍卖会上一枚圆形恐龙蛋化石18万美元起拍,经过9次竞价,最终以128万美元(相当于809万人民币)的价格落锤成交。 拍卖市场上的各种单个动物化石真品价值不菲,这种古物的价值,还会随着时间的演变而变得更具价值,故在收藏品市场上,蛋化石千金难求。
With the active collection market, these fossils are not only physical evidence in the field of scientific research, but also many fossils with high aesthetic appreciation value and collection value, which have become a kind of collection resources and fossil collection fever. There is also a new breakthrough in the trade of fossils in the whole collection circle, with a new height. A round dinosaur egg fossil was sold for $180,000 at an auction in London in 2002. After nine bids, it was finally sold for $1.28 million (equivalent to 8.09 million RMB). The authentic individual animal fossils on the auction market are of great value, and the value of this kind of antique will become more valuable with the evolution of time. Therefore, in the collection market, egg fossils are hard to find.