【名称】 光绪银币(一两)
【规格】 直径45.47mm 厚度3.02mm 重37.5g
【类别】 钱币
银币是机制币收藏的大类,历来都受到很多藏家的关注,不同版别的银币都有独特的韵味,值得藏家深品。由于这些钱币是不可再生之物,且存世量极为稀少,收藏价值无法估量。 “光绪银币(丁未)双龙”是由清政府度支部设计和正式铸行的清代标准银币之一,银币正面中央圆圈内镌“光绪银币”四个字,圈外左右两侧分镌“丁未”二字和一对双龙戏珠(寿字)图案。银币背面中央镌“一两”二字,两侧镌双龙戏珠图案,两条龙的背部和龙腹部分别镌有三团云朵,下端镌海浪图案。 光绪银币双龙一两是光绪年间未流通的样币之一,作为近代银元“十大珍”其精湛的工艺与收藏价值一直为世人惊叹,目前存世量及其稀少。它是中国银本位货币制度的最精美的代表之一,为了体现满清皇权制度在货币领域的权威,其设计制造者不计成本地进行了精美绝伦的设计。其艺术水准、防伪能力迄今没有被超越,是被国内外集藏界公认的中国近代银币大珍品。 藏友们对银币的青睐主要归因于以下三点:一是制作精美,观赏性强;二是品种纷繁,选择余地大;三是制作量少,而清末以后战乱频频,使银币的损耗极大,极为稀少。这三点对于收藏者来说,就具备了长期投资的可能性。
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[Name] Guangxu silver
[Specification] Diameter 45.47mm Thickness 3.02mm Weight 37.5g
[Category] Coin
The silver coin is the mechanism coin collection big kind, all through the ages receives the attention of many collectors, the different edition does not have the unique lasting appeal, is worth the collector deep taste. Because these COINS are not renewable, and the amount of existence is very rare, collection value is incalculable.
"Guangxu silver coin (dingwei) shuanglong" is one of the standard silver COINS designed and formally cast by the qing government branch. The front of the coin is engraved with "guangxu silver coin" in the central circle, and the left and right sides of the circle are engraved with "dingwei" and a pair of shuanglong play beads (longevity) patterns. On the back of the coin, the center engrave "one or two" characters, on both sides engrave double dragon play bead pattern, the back and abdomen of two dragons engrave three groups of clouds, the lower end engrave wave pattern.
Guangxu silver coin shuanglong yi is one of the uncirculated sample COINS during the period of guangxu. As one of the "ten treasures" of modern silver yuan, its exquisite craftsmanship and collection value have always been amazing to the world. It is one of the most exquisite representatives of China's silver standard monetary system. In order to reflect the authority of the imperial power system in the monetary field of the manchu dynasty, its designer carried out exquisite and peerless design regardless of cost. Its artistic level and anti-counterfeiting ability have not been surpassed so far, and it is recognized by the collection and collection circles at home and abroad as a great treasure of modern Chinese silver COINS.
The friends' favor of silver COINS is mainly attributed to the following three points: first, it is beautifully made and highly ornamental; Second, the variety is numerous, the choice is big; Third, the amount of production is small, and after the end of the qing dynasty, the frequent war, so that the loss of silver COINS is extremely rare. These three points for collectors, there is the possibility of long-term investment.