正是共担风雨时—抗击疫情离不开命运共同体意识(World needs to stand together in face of novel coronavirus outbreak)

07.02.2020  11:33

新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,牵动着世界各国人民的心。良知告诉人们,疫情面前, 人类命运与共,惟有团结协作,共铸捍卫生命的力量。

世界高度认可中国行动,交口称赞中国力量。 中国上下一心、一体联动、联防联控,本着公开、透明、负责任的态度及时向国内外发布疫情信息,积极回应各方关切,加强与国际社会合作。正如西班牙中国政策观察网站的文章所指出,中国集中力量办大事的制度优势在抗击疫情的战斗中得到充分显现。14亿中国人民团结一致的决心和行动,也为共同维护地区和全球的公共卫生安全作出了贡献。“这不仅保护了中国人民的生命安全,也保护了世界人民的生命安全”“中国人民万众一心、众志成城抗击疫情,世界进步力量都与中国人民站在一起”“相信在中国共产党领导下,中国一定能在抗击疫情的斗争中取得胜利”……外国政要的由衷称赞,表达出世界对中国的信心与支持。

环球同此凉热,人间自有真情。 迄今已有50多个国家的70多位政要以及近20个国际组织的负责人通过致函或其他方式,积极评价并支持中方为抗击新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情所作努力,为武汉加油,为中国加油。韩国、日本、英国、法国、土耳其、巴基斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、匈牙利、伊朗、白俄罗斯、印度尼西亚等11国和联合国儿童基金会向中方捐助的疫情防控物资已运抵中国,俄罗斯、越南、德国等国政府也纷纷主动捐赠防疫医疗物资。德国中学生齐唱《让世界充满爱》,日本友好人士写下“山川异域,风月同天”的肺腑之言……无数感人的瞬间,无不是讲述真情交融、命运交织的故事,展现“我们都是一家人”的情怀。

这是全球化的世界,任何一个国际社会成员都不可能置身于全球公共卫生事件之外。 病毒是人类的共同敌人,尽快打赢这场疫情防控阻击战是世界的共同目标。当此之时,世界需要的不是好事者的趁机聒噪,不是狭隘者的偏见和歧视,更不是西方一些媒体乱贴标签、刻意歪曲的不义之行。团结向善才是主流,正如联合国前秘书长、博鳌亚洲论坛理事长潘基文所言,在这场疫情阻击战取得胜利之时,历史铭记的不仅有中国特色社会主义制度优势,也有各国携手合作应对危机的共同担当。

风雨同舟,中国与世界在一起。 经历了2003年非典疫情,有“病毒猎手”之称的美国哥伦比亚大学教授利普金与中国结下深厚友谊。如今,他再度来到中国,与中国同行携手遏制疫情。2014年西非埃博拉疫情暴发后,中国第一时间响应非洲国家呼吁,率先行动,紧急驰援;如今,南非U—Mask公司向中国捐赠医用口罩,科特迪瓦足球运动员亚亚—图雷录制视频为武汉加油,更有非洲最大银行的上万名员工“穿红衣,挺中国”……患难与共,这是世界面对风险挑战的应有态度,也是人类命运共同体意识释放的强大感召力。

因为命运相连,所以心心相通。 世界的目光投向武汉。火神山医院、雷神山医院数日间拔地而起的奇迹震撼了世界——英国广播公司敏锐地捕捉到,全球有数千万网友观看了这两座应急医院建设场面的直播;各国网友亲切地称呼昼夜轰鸣的工程机械为“白滚滚”“红牛哥哥”。人们赞叹中国速度、中国效率,更相信势不可挡的中国力量。


World needs to stand together in face of novel coronavirus outbreak

The novel coronavirus outbreak is drawing concerns from the world. In face of the epidemic, human beings share the same destiny, and only unity and collaboration are able to generate a power to safeguard lives. 

China’s practices have been highly recognized and hailed by the world. The country is demonstrating strong unity, connected movements, and joint efforts to prevent and control the epidemic. It is timely releasing relevant information both domestically and internationally, actively responding to concerns of each party, and enhancing international cooperation. 

Spain’s Observatory of Chinese Politics recently posted an article on its website, saying China’s institutional advantages that enable the country to concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings have been fully demonstrated in this battle against the epidemic. The united resolution and actions of the 1.4 billion Chinese people have also made contribution to the joint efforts to safeguard regional and global public health. 

The international community shows great care for the epidemic in China, which mirrors the sincere relationship among countries. So far, over 70 political leaders from more than 50 countries and heads of 20 international organizations, through letters or other ways, have expressed their appreciation and support for China’s efforts to battle against the novel coronavirus, injecting confidence for the epicenter Wuhan and for China. 

The epidemic prevention and control materials donated by South Korea, Japan, the UK, France, Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Iran, Belarus, Indonesia and the United Nations Children's Fund have arrived in China, while Russian, Vietnamese and German governments have also donated medical supplies. 

Students of a German middle school sang a choir to boost the confidence of China, and Japanese friends wrote “Lands apart, destiny shared” on the boxes of their donation to China. These touching moments are all about love and shared destiny, demonstrating the unity of the people around the world. 

The world is globalized, so there is no member of the international society that is free from global public health incidents. Viruses are a public enemy of human beings, and to take a win in the battle against the novel coronavirus as early as possible is a goal shared by the world. 

At this moment, what the world needs is not hypes made by the busybodies, the prejudices and discrimination from the narrow-minded, or the irresponsible labeling and distorting by certain western media. Unity and goodwill shall be the mainstream. 

Former Secretary General of the United Nations and Chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia Ban Ki-moon remarked that when the world wins the battle against the epidemic, the history will not only remember the institutional advantages of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also the shared responsibility of each country to jointly cope with the crisis. 

China is always standing with the world. “Virus hunter” Walter Ian Lipkin, a professor with Columbia University forged a close friendship with China in the 2003 SARS epidemic. Now, he has gone to China once again to jointly curb the novel coronavirus. 

After the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa in 2014, China immediately responded to the call of the countries there and took the initiative to offer assistance. Today, the South African company U-Mask donated medical masks to China; Ivorian footballer Yaya Touré sent his best wishes to Wuhan through a video clip; and over 10,000 staffs in the largest bank of Africa wore red outfits to show support for China. 

To share weal and woe is what works when the world is facing risks and challenges, and also a strong appeal released by the community with a shared future for mankind. 

Shared destiny leads to close bonds. The world is casting its eyes to Wuhan where makeshift hospitals Huoshenshan and Leishenshan have been built in days, presenting a huge miracle that shocks the world. BBC found that tens of millions of people have been watching the livestreaming of the construction. 

Cement mixers at the construction sites have found themselves with nickname like "The White Roller" and a large flat-bed truck carrying construction supplies has affectionately been termed: "Brother Red Bull". The world highly praises the speed and efficiency of China, and believes the unstoppable power of the country. 

At a time when the world needs to jointly face difficulties, people across the globe are standing firm with China sincerely. Human beings will never be defeated by viruses, and will achieve the final victory as long as they fight corporately.