
19.09.2019  12:50


陕西澳博文化服务有限公司【藏 . 荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交





Daming Yongle Neifu official style sweet white glazed dragon and Phoenix decorative bottle is very rare, exquisite workmanship, exquisite decoration, thin and transparent tire, white and sweet glaze, sweet and white jade. Cloud dragon pattern with dark blue and white, flying phoenix pattern in the interior, with excellent materials and exquisite workmanship, is a rare Ming Dynasty Yongle Palace official porcelain treasure. It is extremely exquisite, precious and rare. Dark blue-and-white dragon-phoenix pattern Meilun Meihuan is a rare top-quality product of Ming Dynasty Yongle Palace Neifu Porcelain. It is well-preserved, rare and exquisite, and has very little stock. This collection is thin white porcelain, very light, with concave and convex auspicious cloud dragon dance outside. There is a pair of dragon-phoenix pattern and the word "Neifu" in the light-irradiated inner wall sandwich. Seal letters on the bottom of the bottle: Official. This porcelain bowl is exquisite, thin and shiny. Under the irradiation of the flashlight, you can see the words "Neifu" and "Longfeng" on the inner wall. It is a wonderful bowl.

此藏品现交于陕西澳博文化服务有限公司网络市场部专员运作推广 , 欢迎各位莅临本公司赏析及协商 , 广大收藏家可以通过各大媒体以及欢迎 到公司了解详情 , 如需意向购买 , 提前办理好相关手续过来公司协商

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特别提示:(以上藏品持宝人为王先生委托我司诚意出售、欢迎各界收藏家咨询或出价,图片均为实物拍摄,若有疑问可预约我司观看实物) 陕西澳博文化服务有限公司