
24.10.2019  12:44

四川永合利拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Sichuan Yonghe Li Auction Co., Ltd. For the strong dissemination effect of collections, we recommend to buyers the art treasures selected by experts of national first-level appraisal, and make a bridge for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction .


【规格】直径:39.80mm 重:21.67g


[Name] Sichuan copper coin system

[Specification] Diameter: 39. 80 mm Weight: 21.67 g

[Category] Coins




Sichuan copper coins were coined by local governments in late Qing Dynasty and Beiyang Period. Due to the lack of silver and copper deposits in Sichuan Province and the separation of warlords after the 1911 Revolution, the regulations of the central government on the currency system on the proportion of raw materials and the denomination of copper coins were not strictly observed, and the issuance of copper coins in Sichuan Province was very large, resulting in high prices and economic development. Sichuan copper coins began to be minted in June 1903 in Guangxu, and gradually dropped out of circulation in November 1935.




After the revolution of 1911, the military government of the Han Dynasty in Sichuan abolished the bronze coin template of the Qing Dynasty in April 1912, and changed to cast the bronze coin with the character of "Han", which has three denominations of Dang 10, 20 and 50. In 1913, 100 and 200 copper coins were added. In May 1913, Chongqing Tongyuan Bureau was built and started, imitating the model of Chengdu factory.


After entering the Beiyang era, the warlords were divided, the current situation was turbulent, and the copper price was high. Therefore, Sichuan Mint took the method of reducing weight and increasing the face value to seek private interests.




In addition to the old 100 and old two hundred copper coins, the rest of them are yellow and white, and their texture is inferior to that of the Qing Dynasty. Since 1914, 100 Wen and 200 Wen copper coins have been specially cast. In the second year of the Republic of China, the copper coins of Dang 100 and Dang 200 were minted. The former had the same specifications as Dang 50, but the layout was slightly larger.

后者则不同,币面正中一个圈,圈内为嘉禾两穗环绕,中为大写汉字币值,上眉“中华民国二年”,下为“四川造币厂造”,背面也有一圈,圈内两面交叉的五色旗,上眉英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”字样,下部为英文面值。

The latter is different. There is a circle in the middle of the coin, surrounded by Jiahe and two spikes. The middle is the value of capital Chinese characters. The upper eyebrow is "the second year of the Republic of China", the lower is "made by Sichuan MINT", the back is also a circle, with five color flags crossed on both sides. The upper eyebrow is "the public of China" in English, and the lower part is the face value in English.


In 1935, the national government implemented legal coins in Sichuan, and Sichuan copper coins gradually withdrew from the circulation market. The design of the front and back sides of the coin is exquisite, the modelling is unique, the view is beautiful, and it is very unique. It is actually a rare coin collection boutique with extraordinary value and worth collecting!