《Engineering Solutions to Food Security Through Waste to Food Transformation》学术报告
26.12.2016 16:36
本文来源: 郑州大学
报告题目: Engineering Solutions to Food Security Through Waste to Food Transformation
报 告 人:应旦阳教授 Prof/Dr. Danyang Ying
地 点:化工与能源学院四楼报告厅
To feed the world in 2050 we need to increase total global food production by 70% (FAO 2009). This will become increasingly challenging with a changing climate and limited arable land. By 2030 crop and pasture yield are likely to decline in many places ( http://aciar.gov.au/aifsc/food-security-and-why-it-matters , last accessed on May 2016). On the other hand, global food loss and food waste is high, estimated up to 30% of the food production is lost in the food production and supply chain. Transforming the waste to food could be one of the strategies to ease the pressure to food security. This presentation will report recent development and strategies to transform agricultural, horticultural and food industry waste into edible foods or food ingredients using a few case studies. In order to make the food healthy, we need to enrich the foods with nutritional bioactives. However, most of the bioactives are unstable after being extracted from their original plant or animal sources. This presentation will also cover some technologies employed for the stabilization of bioactives. Such as enhanced oxidation resistance of polyunsaturated fatty acids and enhanced retention of beta-carotene in extruded products; enhanced survival of probiotics; enhanced oxidation stability in microencapsulated fish oil powders.
If the time is allowed, a brief introduction of CSIRO will also be given.
Prof/Dr Danyang Ying is a principal research scientist and research project leader in CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia. He had his Bachelor of Engineering degree from ZheJiang University in 1982 in chemical engineering and machinery. He had his graduate study in QingHua University (1984-1985) in thermal engineering, and his PhD in New Zealand in materials science and process engineering. Before he moved to NZ and Australia, he was a senior research engineer in the Research Institute of Chemical Machinery, the Ministry of Chemical Industry of China. He was one of the key researchers for the R&D of China national large scale synthetic amonia plant and large scale ethylene plant during 7th and 8th-5-year-plan. He was a Science Leader in a Crown Research Institute of New Zealand before he moved to CSIRO. He has over 80 scientific publications and 4 national and international patents, and is now also serving a few journal editorial boards.
应旦阳教授1982年本科毕业于浙江大学化学工程系,毕业后在化工部化工机械研究院任工程师高级工程师。曾在新西兰皇家科学院控释领域首席科学家,现为澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)终身科学家,项目经理。应教授是中国国家“七五”、“八五”重大装备技术开发项目负责人之一,拥有中国专利1项,世界专利3项,在工程技术开发及产业化中做出了重大的贡献因此荣获新西兰皇家科学院首席执行官特别奖和澳大利亚联邦科工组织突出贡献奖。 其研究领域包括化学工程,生物工程,食品工程,纳米材料,其生物活性物质及益生菌的微包埋技术和流化床颗粒喷涂计算机模拟技术处与世界领先地位。郑州大学版权所有,禁止非法转载!2016-12-26 16:44:42
本文来源: 郑州大学
26.12.2016 16:36