三大名誉钱币:光绪通宝 乾隆通宝 康熙通宝

24.06.2019  17:31


Tongbao is a name of copper coins in China from the early Tang Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty. In the early days, weight was often used as the name of coins, such as half baht and five baht. There are also Yuan Bao, Chong Bao, Zhi Bao and other money. Tang Dynasty changed the habit of naming coins by weight since Qin and Han Dynasty. Wude, Gaozu of Tang Dynasty, spent five baht coins in four years (621), and began to cast Tongbao. The following picture is a collection of rare Tongbao for our company. They are in good condition, especially precious.



光绪通宝  乾隆通宝  康熙通宝


直径:2.8cm 2.7cm 2.7cm                  

重量:3.48g 3.82g 4.0g

Guangxu Tongbao Qianlong Tongbao Kangxi Tongbao

Number: DLSX-00011

Diameter: 2.8cm 2.7cm 2.7cm

Weight: 3.48g 3.82g 4.0g


Guangxu Tongbao is one of the ancient coins in China. Qing Dezong Aixinjueluo Zaiwei was cast in Guangxu (1875-1908 A.D.). Qian Wen's regular script or regular script and official script, regular script and Song Dynasty. Back Manchu, palindrome bureau, chronicle, Jiyu, batch and other forms. Guangxu coin is the first time in the history of Chinese coinage to introduce Western machine coinage method to cast the first batch of Chinese style (round hole square) money. It has certain historical commemorative significance.


"Qianlong Tongbao" is precisely because Emperor Qianlong of Qing Emperor Gaozong took office in 1735 A.D. and embodied his strategy of governing the country with "Wenzhi Wugong" in the 60 years of his reign. He made it clear that in feudal society, after all, it was a glorious time. Folk people spread and wore it to drive away evil spirits, and because of the two-character homophonic "Qianlong" of Qianlong, the coins loved by later Tibetans. The coin literal character "Qianlong Tongbao" is written in regular script and read directly from top to bottom, right to left. The character "Bao" is on the left side of the money-style perforation in Yongzheng Manchu, and the bureaus are cast on the right side of the perforation.


Kangxi, a generation of emperors created a prosperous dynasty. During the reign of Kangxi, Tongbao of Kangxi was issued to promote economic development. The coin is "Kangxi Tongbao", pure copper pulp, golden yellow color, neat little rust, occasionally brown and black pulp. Qian Wen, the inner and outer edges are bright, bright and moist, with clear pictures and exquisite casters. On the front of the coin, the four characters Kangxi Tongbao are strong and powerful, while on the back, the Manchu characters are separated into left and right. Kangxi Tongbao is popular for its rich implication, excellent copper quality and golden color.


As a kind of antique, coins have always been the focus of attention of collectors. And the material is precious, high artistic value, cast by precious metals or silver alloys, exquisite production, elegant design, elegant writing, rich content, brilliant silver, its beautiful appearance, also has a certain value preservation and appreciation function.



