【名称】 陕西省造光绪元宝
【规格】 直径38.7mm 厚度2.75mm 重26.2g
【类别】 钱币
光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一。 由湖北两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效。共有十九个省局铸造,其是我国晚清时期最为重要的货币,在中国近代货币史上具有极其重要的地位。应为当时我国技术落后,所有铸币机器具有由外国进口,甚至样币的制作也是委托外国雕刻师进行,其中伯明翰喜敦造币厂便是其中最为重要的代铸单位,伯明翰喜敦造币厂先后为清政府铸造了浙江、江南、陕西等光绪元宝,其三者被泉界誉为“喜敦厂三大样币”。 光绪二十四年(1898年),陕西巡抚魏光焘会同户部试办银币厂,透过上海德商瑞生洋行向英国伯明翰喜敦造币厂订购全套设备,包括一台印花机及代办五种面值的银币印模,计花费白银二万六千九百两。于是陕西停止了造币厂的筹备。英国伯明翰喜敦造币厂将机具完成后于次年初运出,但此时清政府因各省设厂过多进行整顿,陕省被列入裁撤名单,已抵达上海的机器另行处理。于是陕西停止了造币厂的筹备。因此,此币只留有试铸样币,因此存世稀少,故被誉为中国银币二十珍之一。
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[Name] Silverdollar made in shanxi
[Specification] Diameter 38.7mm Thickness 2.75mm Weight 26.2g
[Category] Coin
Guangxu yuan bao was one of the currency circulated during the guangxu period of the qing dynasty.
Zhang zhidong, governor of hubei province, guangdong province, was the first to introduce the British coinage machine to cast silver and copper yuan, which was followed by other provinces. It is the most important currency in the late qing dynasty and plays an extremely important role in the modern monetary history of China. Should be outdated technology in our country at the time, all COINS machine by foreign imports, but also make specimen entrust foreign sculptors, xi, Birmingham mint is one of the most important of which generation of casting units, Birmingham xi dun mint for zhejiang, jiangnan, shaanxi guangxu qing casting ingots, by a spring known as the three "xi factory three specimen.
In the 24th year of guangxu reign (1898), wei guangtao, governor of shaanxi province, tried to set up a silver coin factory with the ministry of household affairs. So shaanxi stopped preparing for the mint. The xitang mint in Birmingham, England will ship out the machines and tools at the beginning of the next year, but at this time, because the qing government set up too many factories in the provinces to rectify, shaanxi province was included in the list of elimination, has arrived in Shanghai machine processing. So shaanxi stopped preparing for the mint. As a result, this coin was only reserved for trial casting, so it is rare in the world, so it is regarded as one of the twenty treasures of Chinese silver COINS.