
23.06.2020  18:14

【规格】直径:39mm 重量:26.7g

[Specification] diameter: 39mm weight: 26.7g


Class: Coins


[quantity]: one


China's money and silver civilization embodies the talents and talents of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and also creates a unique Oriental money and silver civilization with dazzling light. The collection value of ancient coins is determined by the number of coins cast, the amount of coins preserved, the technical process, the records of documents, the texture of the coins and the equal conditions of the products. Generally speaking, the less the amount of coins is, the higher the degree of rarity is.


"Yuan Datou", also known as "Jiahe silver coin on the back of the statue of Yuan Shikai", refers to the silver coin issued in the Republic of China with the profile of Yuan Shikai on the front and Jiahe pattern on the back. At the end of the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty, due to the invasion of foreign powers, foreign currency was used in China and lost its currency autonomy. The central government's control over the local government is weakening day by day. In order to strengthen their financial resources and expand their military power, the governors of each province have also made and issued currency, which is very disordered.

此枚民国三年袁大头直径:39mm 重量:26.7g,可以看到钱币的上方刻有“中华民国三年”这几个字,下方是袁世凯的头像,且这个头像占钱币的比例较大,因此被大家戏称为“民国三年袁大头”。不过这也是民国三年袁大头最大的特点,古代钱币中鲜有将人物画像刻在钱币表面的,一个是因为技术受限,一个是统治者思想受限。民国三年袁大头打破常规,问世后万众瞩目,是很多收藏爱好者钟意的收集目标。民国三年袁大头做工精细,袁世凯的面貌勾勒清晰,目光炯炯有神,十分传神,且字文是用繁体书写的,历史意义较大。

The diameter of yuan Dadou in the third year of the Republic of China is 39mm and the weight is 26.7g. It can be seen that the words "the third year of the Republic of China" are engraved on the top of the coin, and the head of Yuan Shikai is engraved on the bottom, which accounts for a large proportion of the coin, so it is nicknamed "the third year of the Republic of China". However, this is also the biggest feature of yuan Datou in the three years of the Republic of China. In ancient coins, there are few figures carved on the surface of the coins, one is due to limited technology, the other is due to limited thinking of the rulers. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Dazou broke the rules and became a popular collection target for many collectors. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou had a fine workmanship. Yuan Shikai's face was clearly outlined, his eyes were bright and vivid, and his characters were written in traditional Chinese with great historical significance.


"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. It is the most popular and influential silver dollar variety among nearly one thousand modern silver coins in China, and it is also an important role in the currency system reform of modern China. Because it is a real currency, between people's recognition of precious metals and a strong sense of identity with history and culture, there are not a few collectors. The liquidity of "yuan Dadou" is relatively strong, which is also one of the factors that the collectors are optimistic about.


For more details, please contact Xi'an wanzhan Art Exhibition Service Co., Ltd