
29.08.2019  21:11

2019 新加坡秋拍精品推荐 : 乾隆十六年盖盒(金农铭)

嘉合天下(北京)国际拍卖有限公司 【藏 . 荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经一级鉴定专家甄选的珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交

【名称】 乾隆十六年盖盒

【规格】 24* 11cm

【类别】 杂项

Cover box in qianlong's 16th year (jinnongming)

Jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. [zang. jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend to all buyers by the experts selected by the first level of identification of treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let the value of art treasures was discovered and attention, in the auction to clink a deal at a high price.

The box was covered in the 16th year of qianlong's reign

[specification] 24*11cm

[category] miscellaneous


此件拍品通体大漆,辅以描金工艺,造型精美,漆面均匀、漆质莹润、清新雅致、其上人物、山水、花卉、自然景观均以朱红、金粉勾绘。婉转流畅,刻画工艺娴熟精美,线条自然。难能可贵的是如此之多的复杂的画片在一件小小的盖盒上完美的体现出来,既不显拥挤,也不显杂乱。构思布局极其合理。综合来看是一件上品佳器,极具收藏价值。 This piece of paint, supplemented by painted gold technology, exquisite modeling, paint uniform, paint quality ying run, fresh and elegant, its characters, landscape, flowers, natural landscape are painted with vermilon, gold powder hook. Tactful and smooth, skilled and exquisite painting process, natural lines. What is rare is that so many complicated pictures are perfectly displayed on a small box with a lid, neither crowded nor messy. The layout is perfectly reasonable. In general, it is a top - grade ware with great collection value.

早在 2003 年, 佳士得 拍卖行以 12000 美元拍成交一 件大清 乾隆年制的花卉盖盒 放在现在 相当于 120000 万美元; 2010 5 月,纽约菲利普斯拍卖行以 80000 美元拍过一 件乾隆年制的百福纹盖盒 ,这个价钱相当于同样 款识的瓷器的价格。 2015 4 17 日,巴黎佳士得以 又以 7.825 万欧元成交一 件十二生肖的盖盒,漆器 交易给收藏界带来的强大热流,简直令人震撼,在现在的 漆器 市场单价排名中, 漆器 已经打败了 红木 檀木 等众多名贵木器 。这也暗示着 漆器 收藏走入人们的视线并荣升新宠。

As early as 2003, Christie's sold a flower lid box made in qianlong period of the qing dynasty for $12,000, which is equivalent to $120,000 now. In May 2010, phillips auction house in New York sold a qianlong-style box with a embossed lid for $80,000, the equivalent of the price of the same porcelain. On April 17, 2015, Christie's Paris sold another zodiac box with a price of 78,250 euros. The strong heat flow brought by the lacquer trade to the collection industry is simply shocking. In the current price ranking of lacquer market, lacquer has already beaten mahogany, sandalwood and other precious wooden products. This also implies that lacquerware collection comes into people's sight and wins new favor.


此藏品现交于公司 嘉合天下(北京)国际拍卖有限公司 市场部专员运作推广 欢迎各位莅临本公司赏析及协商 , 广大收藏家可以通过各大媒体以及欢迎 到公司了解详情 , 如需意向购买 , 提前办理好相关手续过来公司协商。

The collection is now handed over to the company jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. Marketing specialist operation promotion. Welcome to our company to appreciate and negotiate, the majority of collectors through the major media and welcome to the company to understand the details, if you want to purchase, in advance to deal with the relevant procedures to negotiate with the company.

一件藏品的成交离不开广告宣传 ! 公司 以自成立以来 , 始终秉承“公开 , 公平 , 公正 , 诚实 , 守信”的服务原则 , 做最实在的宣传 , 上最高端的平台 , 享受最好的服务。

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! The company since its inception, always adhering to the "open, fair, fair, honest, trustworthy" service principle, do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.


特别提示:(以上藏品持宝人为: 藏友 委托我司诚意出售、欢迎各界收藏家咨询或出价 010-59000899,13601215514 图片均为实物拍摄,若有疑问可预约我司观看实物) 嘉合天下(北京)国际拍卖有限公司

Special tips: (the above collection holder is: the collector entrusts our company to sell sincerely, welcome all circles collector to consult or bid electricity 010-59000899,13601215514 picture all is the material object photography, if has the question may reserve our company to view the material object) jia hetian world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD