题目: R-Open Source and its Commander
时间: 2014年11月4日(周五)上午9:30—11:00
地点: 莲花街校区学术交流中心D205会议室
何宗武,1997年毕业于美国犹他大学(University of Utah),获经济学博士学位。现任台湾世新大学财务金融系教授、数量方法研究暨发展中心主任。主要研究专长包括国际金融、财务经济、计量方法、制度经济学等。研究兴趣集中在数量方法、资产定价、经济历史等领域。迄今为止发表SSCI论文近20篇。
Prof He obtained a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Utah in 1997. His major fields of research are econometric methods, international
finance, financial economics, and philosophy of social sciences.On econometrics, Prof He specifically focuses on the panel data model and nonlinear time series.On international finance, his work is focused on international asset pricing and exchange rate empirics.Prof He also writes something concerning the financial development as well as ethics in finance.Besides, the practices of Buddha dharma is his life-long search, a never-ending story.
校团委 经济贸易学院 土木建筑学院