藏品为大清金库金锭,为正方型体,规格:490.8g*3.9cm*3.8cm,黄色金锭上的文字,“大清金库.上上赤足”, 六面分成3组 每对应的两面为一组 一组刻有光绪帝上身像一组刻有 凤凰 和大清金库 上上赤足字体。大清金库砖形制规整,色泽纯正,它的特殊之处在于,它是皇宫专用,不做市场流通。
清代遗留下来的此类金砖存世量有限,收藏价值极高。 明清以来受到历代帝王的青睐,成为皇宫建筑的专用产品。明代永乐年间,明成祖朱棣迁都北京,大兴土木建造紫禁城。经苏州香山帮工匠的推荐,陆墓砖窑被工部看中,决定“始砖于苏州,责其役于长洲窑户六十三家”,由于质量优良,博得了永乐皇帝的称赞,赐名窑场为御窑。藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值。如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我们客服联系、此我们将竭诚为您服务。Collection for qing vault gold ingots, for the square body, specifications: 490.8g * 3.9 cm * 3.8 cm, yellow gold bullion on the text, "qing vault. Up and barefoot," both sides of the six sides into three groups each corresponding to a set of a set of engraved with emperor guangxu body as a set of engraved with the phoenix and qing vault and barefoot fonts.It is a special place for the imperial palace. It is not used for market circulation.The amount of such gold deposits left over from the qing dynasty is limited and the collection value is extremely high.Since Ming and qing dynasties have been favored by the emperors of all ages, and became a special product of the palace building.During the Ming dynasty, Ming emperor zhu di moved to Beijing and built the Forbidden City.By suzhou xiangshan help craftsmen recommended, lu tomb brick kilns is xiaohong, decided to "the beginning of brick in suzhou, its existing Yu Changzhou potter sixty-three", because of good quality, won the yongle emperor praised, gives the ancient jun is an imperial kiln.The collection is a rare collector, extremely rare, has great investment value, and collection value.If you need to collect and purchase this collection, please contact our customer service, we will serve you