陕西信尊文化发展有限公司 【藏 . 荐】栏 为了迎合市场需求, 本公司特 推出陶瓷、玉器、近现代书画、古籍善本、珠宝翡翠、印章、邮品钱币、文房四宝、竹木牙雕、金铜佛像、等专业性很强的大型拍卖跟买家推荐会活动。满足不同藏品的在市场上正常运作。
【名称】 汝窑莲花瓣刻花纹碗
【规格】口径 :21cm 底径: 6cm 重约: 959g
The lotus petals of Ru kiln in Song Dynasty were carved with fine and firm soil, blue and green glaze, soft and implicit luster, and the outer wall of the bowl was carved with lotus petals. Each layer of petals was scattered with delicate layers. Careful observation showed that the craftsmen of Linru kiln used the skill of combining "vertical knife" and "partial knife" to carve the lines, stretching and deepening, sharp and sharp. Strength, the resulting pattern concave and convex clear, very rich three-dimensional sense, and thus has a shallow relief-like artistic effect. The inner side of the bowl is vividly carved with dark patterns. Linru kiln celadon is quite similar to Yaozhou kiln celadon, but there are still differences in details: green is more common in Linru blue glaze, yellow is more common in Yaozhou blue glaze; Linru fetus is dark and thick, and the color of Yaozhou fetus is light and thin. Linru Circle Foot Ridge is flat, Yaozhou Circle Foot Ridge is uneven. Holistic preservation is rare, is a contemporary collection of fine goods, appreciation space is huge.
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