HAUT,Much More than just a University during the Corona Pandemic

17.04.2020  10:40

编者按: 留学生SAFFIA-DOE OSMAN(性别:男,塞拉利昂国籍)是河南工业大学录取的第一批中国政府奖学金博士研究生,2019年9月入学,现就读于学校土木工程学院、土木工程建造与管理专业,平时喜欢写作和励志演讲,热爱中国的历史和文化。疫情当下,许多在中国的国际留学生面临着一些困扰,机票价格突飞猛涨,难以回国,以往能接外国人的民宿,也因为严格的隔离政策不再行得通,但特殊时期,河南工业大学无微不至的关怀和家人般的温暖给在校留学生 Doe留下了深刻的印象,他们又做了什么呢?

It is customary that during troubles and trials around the world, students overseas who are away from their parents and families are the most shaky. Whiles few may want to go through trail times like we have now as a way of developing themselves away from home, many will want to be in their country and most importantly with their families as this is a place where safety is rest assured.

通常在面临国际性的困难和考验的时候,远离父母和家人的国际留学生最为惶恐不安。 几乎没有人愿意在现在这种艰难的疫情时刻,在异国他乡磨练自己;许多人还是希望能留在自己的国家,重要的是至少能和家人在一起,因为家是身心安全能够得到保障的避风港。

Well not only China has been a home country for most students during this pandemic with effective measures been put in place to ensure everyone's safety, The Henan University of Technology took it further by acting as a family to most students studying in it's University.


Good Advises, guidance, care and proper monitoring to ensure we feel relax and safe would normally have come from our families but HAUT has been acting right in that capacity from the onset of the Pandemic to this day..


This has left me particularly impressed that I feel it's incumbent on me not to let this pass by without acknowledging the school.


These effective measures and concern were not only applicable to students who are within campus during this epidermic but to those who are outside of China as well.


In the morning, they will be waiting for Health updates, monitor us as we go out, make sure we return in time and sometimes even providing basic food and logistics to keep students going.


Even though this pandemic caught me out of school and as a precautionary measure there is no way I was able to return until things stabilize, this however did not prevent me from enjoying the affection, care and concern so far that the school provides for all every single day.


I have never missed home throughout this pandemic. The HAUT is much more than just a school.


In essence, even when this pandemic have caused a lots of havoc including taking away our loved ones, one thing for sure now is that we have not only a school but a family to rely on during future problems.


No wonder we haven't had any cross infection among students during this time.


I do believe many schools in China could do the same as well as HAUT did to us.


Thanks to the good work of the school.


I have never felt so proud of being part of a University whose scope goes beyond more than just giving out knowledge to it's student.


We are proud to say we have a school that we can count on now. I dove my hat to all the teachers. 
