
20.04.2021  23:03


Collection name: commemorative coin of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty


Collection category: Coins


[collection quantity]: one piece


[introduction to collection]: the late Qing Dynasty was no longer comparable with feudal society in economy and politics. Empress Dowager Cixi made great contributions to China's transition from feudal society to resource society and from ancient times to modern times in economy and politics. Breaking the imperial examination, running schools, sending people to study abroad, and running Westernization affairs, the founding ceremony of the new period laid the foundation for China's modernization. In order to confirm the reign of Empress Dowager Cixi, the Qing Dynasty minted commemorative coins of Empress Dowager Cixi.

大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币, 它的正面图案是慈禧半身像,上环“大清国慈禧皇太后”字样,下环“1861~1908”,背面图案是一条蟠龙。设计优雅,雕刻精良,而且存世量极为稀少,是钱币收藏世界,知名度极大的一种,被誉为钱币精品。

The coin of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty has a bust on the front, the words "Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty" on the top, 1861-1908 on the bottom and a dragon on the back. Elegant design, excellent carving, and extremely rare in the world, is a kind of coin collection world, a great popularity, known as the fine coin.


This coin is mainly used to prove Empress Dowager Cixi's political action. The casting process is smooth, the rust color is natural, the side teeth open the door, the Dragon Ridge pattern, the writing charm, and the craft is fine. It is the best of the ancient coins. This commemorative coin of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty is in good condition. It is one of the few coins in the world. It is really rare. It has high investment and collection space and high artistic value. It is worth collecting and investing