
24.07.2020  18:36


Yuan Shikai began to enter the political arena at a time when China was about to complete its long and dark journey under the shackles of the feudal system, and before and after the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, which brought great pain to the Chinese nation.


At that time, coinage and paper money were very complicated. There were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currencies in circulation, with different specifications, chaotic circulation, complicated conversion, and people's resentment. At the same time, they also wanted to solve the problem of military expenditure by means of currency reform, so they decided to issue national currency. In order to improve his ruling position, Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the coin face, and "yuan Dadou" came from it.


Yuan Shikai's silver coin of the third year of the Republic of China is a special version of Yuan Shikai's silver coin, which has a five point profile of Yuan Shikai on the front side. It is a special version of Yuan Shikai's silver dollar. It is a special version of Yuan Shikai's silver dollar, which is quite rare in the market. There are six characters in the upper part of the coin: "the third year of the Republic of China" and two pieces of Jiahe on the back ’Two words. Even though it is "100 years old", it is still well preserved and has good appearance.



Because of its high artistic value and cultural relic value, "yuan Datou" silver yuan has a certain function of preserving and appreciating value. Especially in recent years, with the increasing investment in collection, "yuan Datou" is becoming more and more popular, and the price has been rising all the way. Therefore, most people in the industry believe that "yuan Datou" is a "black horse" in the collection of silver dollars, and has a high appreciation potential.


此件藏品现在展卖于古玩行商城平台中,据持宝人介绍说,这件古钱币是祖上传下来的。曾让专家老师鉴定过,绝世精品。在本公司得知其有这件罕见珍品,特邀其持这件古钱币参加,现持宝人因资金周转困难原因。忍痛割爱愿将此件古钱币委托本公司代其通过网络媒体进行寻找买家。如对此藏品有兴趣收藏者,可拨打企业联系电话:400 686 3616进行洽谈。

The collection is now on display on the platform of the antique shop. According to the treasure holder, the ancient coin was handed down from the ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers and is a peerless masterpiece. After learning that it has this rare treasure, our company specially invited it to take part in this ancient coin. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in cash flow. I am willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to search for a buyer through internet media. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the business contact number: 400 686 3616 for negotiation.