
25.07.2019  17:36

四川永合利拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品 , 为藏家牵线搭桥 , 让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视 , 在拍卖会上得以高价成交。

Sichuan Yonghe Li Auction Co., Ltd. For the strong dissemination effect of collections, we recommend to buyers the art treasures selected by experts of national first-level appraisal, and make a bridge for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction .


【规格】长:69cm 宽:129cm


[Name]Fei Danxu's Lady Map

[Specification] Long: 69cm wide: 129cm

[Category]Calligraphy and Painting




Fei Danxu (29 January 1802 - 4 December 1850) was a painter of the Qing Dynasty.










Fei Danxu, Ziwei, Xiaolou, Huan Xisheng, Huan Zhusheng, Sanbei Township, descendants of Changfang, evening idol Weng, Wucheng (now Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province).





Fei Danxu is famous for his paintings, and he changed his name to "change fees." The portrait of his lady is beautiful, with a loose line and a light color. There is no such thing.